Chin fat makes someone look very aged. Loosing chin fat is a very difficult task. Doing so needs a lot of hard work. Foods, exercises can’t make an effect of losing a chin fat. There are so many tricks and tips to lose double chin very effectively. Are you suffering from the same? Have you tried many things to get rid of chin fat but every effort is a waste? Don’t panic. Read this article and get easy double chin exercises to lose chin fat easily and effectively. We are giving you a full detail about the exercises, how to do and how they are going to effect in order to lose chin fat.
Top Easy Double Chin Exercises to Lose Chin Fat
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- Top Easy Double Chin Exercises to Lose Chin Fat
- 1.) The Tongue Press to Lose Chin Fat
- 2.) Make the O Shape to Lose Chin Fat
- 3.) Pout and Tilt to Reduce Chin Fat
- 4.) Kiss the Ceiling and Lose Chin Fat
- 5.) Side Neck Strech to Lose Chin fat
- 6.) Chin Rotations Lose Extra Fat From Chin
- 7.) Jaw Release to Lose Chin Fat
- 8.) Make a Pigeon Face to Lose Chin Fat
- 9.) Head Lifts to Lose Chin Fat
- 10.) Stick Out Tongue to Lose Chin Fat
1.) The Tongue Press to Lose Chin Fat
This exercise will help you to lose fat quickly and is one of the easy double chin exercises to lose chin fat. Sit with the straight back and shoulders down. Now tilt your head little back and look at the ceiling. Press your tongue forcefully to the roof of the mouth. After that keep your tongue against the palate. Then lower your chin to your chest without tilting your upper back. Feel your chin on your neck. Now relax your tongue and get back to the starting position. Complete two sets of this easy exercise to lose chin fat which includes 20 reps in each round.
2.) Make the O Shape to Lose Chin Fat
This is one of the easy double chin exercises to lose chin fat. Sith in the straight position, shoulder down and tilt your head little back like the previous exercise, as you are looking at the ceiling of your house. Close your lips together in a relaxed situation. Open your mouth in O shape, but try to keep your lips closed. Hold yourself in this situation for 20-30 seconds. You will feel a little contraction on the both sides of your neck and under the jaw line. Now relax your mouth and come back to the starting position. Complete two sets of this exercise as well. Each set includes 10 reps.
3.) Pout and Tilt to Reduce Chin Fat
This exercise can be done into both sitting and standing positions. Try to stick out your lower lips in the forward direction to make a pout and hold for 2 seconds. After that, in the same position try to contract the neck muscles in front of the neck to the lower chin as far as possible without bending your head. Pause for another 2 seconds. Now relax your lips and come back to the starting positions. Complete two sets of this exercise as well. This is one of the easy double chin exercises to lose chin fat.
4.) Kiss the Ceiling and Lose Chin Fat
Standing straight with the arms at the sides, bend the head back and try to look at the ceiling. Now show your love to your ceiling and try to kiss that by sticking out your lips in an outward direction, as far as you can. While doing this exercise, you’ll feel the tightening into through your neck and chin. Hold yourself for five seconds in this position. After 5 seconds, relax your lips and lower your chin to get back to the starting point. Complete 30 reps of this one of the easy double chin exercise to lose chin fat.
5.) Side Neck Strech to Lose Chin fat
This one of the easy double chin exercises to lose chin fat. Sit on the floor and place one hand on the floor, fingers down, around on feet away from the hip. Don’t rest heavily on the fingertips. Cover the opposite arm over the top of the head, like that hand lies on the opposite side of the ear. Keep your head straight with your neck, tilt the head outward the shoulder by using palm. Gently press down the head to your shoulder with your palm. After that take your fingertips on the floor and put them on the upper arm. Apply mild pressure to press the shoulder down. Hold yourself in this position for 10 seconds. Now set your hands free and come back to the starting position. Now repeat the same with the opposite side. Complete 3 sets of this exercise.
6.) Chin Rotations Lose Extra Fat From Chin
This exercise is one of the easy double chin exercises to lose chin fat. You can perform this exercise in sitting or standing positions. Stand straight and extend your spine for a long. Then, with the help of your chin, slowly and gently rotate your head in a circle from shoulder to chest. Please ensure to keep the shoulders back and down throughout the whole movement. Complete 10 reps of this exercise in both the direction.
7.) Jaw Release to Lose Chin Fat
This is also very effective and easy double chin exercises to lose chin fat. While sitting straight, stretch your spine for a long and straight back. Move your jaws in the upper direction and downwards like you are chewing something and keep lips altogether. Now inhale deeply from your nose, then exhale slowly. When you are finished with the exhale, open the mouth as bigger as you can with the help of your tongue and gently press against the back of the bottom teeth. Hold for a while in this position and inhale, then exhale with an audible sound “ahh”. The entire exercise will take almost 90 seconds. Complete two sets of the exercise.
8.) Make a Pigeon Face to Lose Chin Fat
The name of this exercise may sound very funny, but it is very beneficial and easy double chin exercises to lose chin fat. Place the thumb on the one side of the jaw, under the jawbone and just before it lifts the ear in the upward directions. Put the same hand’s index finger in the same location on the another jaw. While you are holding your hand still, push it forward against you with the head and neck. Hold your hand in this position for 30 seconds and release your hand to move your neck to the starting position. Complete tree sets of this exercise.
9.) Head Lifts to Lose Chin Fat
Head lifts are effective to lose chin fat. It is one of the easy double chin exercises to lose chin fat. Lie your face-up on your bed with the neck on the corner of the bed. Let your head hang relaxed off on the side. Starch the muscles at the front of the neck. Lift and curl your head to the chest as far as you can starch and keep your shoulder straight on the bed. Hold yourself in the position for 10 minutes and come back to the starting position. Complete 3 to 4 sets with two reps in each set. If you ar suffering from dizziness, then take breaks in between each rep.
10.) Stick Out Tongue to Lose Chin Fat
This is one of the best and easy double chin exercises to lose chin fat. This exercise helps to build the muscles in the chin and help to reduce the double chin without surgery. Sit in a relaxed position. Open your mouth a big and wide as you can and place your tongue out as far as you can. Now feel the tightness in your chin and neck. Count to 10 while your tongue is out.