How to Get a Splinter Out?

Splinters are fragments such as wood, plastic, metal or glass that penetrates into the skin and then cause pain. It is so painful that it can leave you in tears. It is very necessary to remove a splinter as it is full of germs that can cause severe infection. Removing a splinter can be painful, but don’t worry in this article you will find some painless home remedies to get a splinter out.

Causes of Splinters:

  • Walking bare feet in grass.
  • During woodworking or metal working.
  • Butchers may have splinters due to small bones.
  • Protective thorns of plants can pierce the skin.

Symptoms of Splinters:

  • The area becomes red and swollen.
  • Unbearable pain.
  • You can feel the splinter on the tip of your finger.
  • The area becomes tender and warm.

Home Remedies to Get a Splinter Out:

1. Baking Soda to Get a Splinter Out:

This is one of the best methods to remove splinters that are deeply embedded and are invisible. This is a painless method and is effective. When you will apply baking soda your skin will swell up and the splinter will come out easily.

How to Use:

  • Clean the affected area with soap and water.
  • Use a paper towel to dry the area. This is suggested because the paper towel will soak the water without rubbing the area. Due to rubbing the splinter could break or go deep into the skin.
  • Take some baking soda in a bowl.
  • Add sufficient amount of water to make a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste on the splinter.
  • Cover it with a band-aid.
  • Leave it for about 24 hours.
  • Clean the area with water.
  • Rub baby Orajel on the area. This will numb the area.
  • Use a pair of tweezers to get a splinter out if it is sticking to the skin.
  • Otherwise, it will come out naturally after certain washes.

2. Bread and Milk to Remove the Splinter:

Bread and milk is a good choice to get a splinter out as the splinter will get stuck to the bread and hence come out easily. Try the steps given below to get rid of the pain due to a splinter.

How to Use:

  • Soak a small piece of bread in milk.
  • Keep the bread on the affected area.
  • Cover it using a cloth or band-aid.
  • Leave it overnight so that the splinter gets stuck to the bread.
  • Remove it in the morning.
  • Wash the area with hydrogen peroxide to avoid infection.

3. White Vinegar for Taking Out the Splinter:

White vinegar is a good choice for taking out the splinter as it will swell the area and the splinter will break out through the surface. Try the steps given below to see the results yourself.

How to Use:

  • Take a bowl of white vinegar.
  • Soak the affected area in this solution.
  • Do this for about 30 to 40 minutes.
  • This will make your splinter visible and you can scrape it out.

4. Honey to Get a Splinter Out:

Honey as antiseptic properties which will prevent the area from infections and will slowly draw the splinter out. Try the steps given below to see the results yourself.

How to Use:

  • Apply a thick layer of honey on the splinter.
  • Leave it for some time.
  • The honey will slowly draw the splinter out.
  • Wash the area with water.
  • Again, apply a layer of honey.

5. Potato for Pushing a Splinter Out:

This home remedy is very effective as it is cheap and the splinter will come out with ease. You just need a fresh potato for this. Try the steps given below to see the amazing results.

How to Use:

  • Cut thick slices of a fresh potato.
  • Place the potato slice on the splinter.
  • Press it downwards so that the splinter could pierce into it.
  • Pull it and the splinter will out with ease.

6. Egg to Remove the Splinter:

This is one of the best home remedies for removing a splinter. This is a cheap and effective method. You just need an egg for this and it can be done anytime. The egg shell will ease the splinter and hence it will come out easily. Try the steps given below and see the results.

How to Use:

  • Crack an egg. You can eat the inside of it.
  • Keep the moist side of the egg shell on the splinter.
  • This will ease the splinter and it will naturally come out of your skin.

7. Needle to Take a Splinter Out:

This is an effective way to get a splinter out. This is possible if you can see the splinter under the soft skin layer. You may think that it will cause pain, but it will not, as that soft layer is very thin. Don’t try this remedy if the splinter it deep and the skin layer is thick. Before using the needle sterilize it in alcohol for preventing infections. Keep the needle on the splinter and gently scrape it out.

8. Hydrogen Peroxide to Get a Splinter Out:

Hydrogen Peroxide is one of the best and effective remedies to get a splinter out. This works best because when you apply hydrogen peroxide the area gets inflamed and swelled. The splinter is clearly visible which makes it easy to take it out.

How to Use:

  • Apply hydrogen peroxide on the affected area.
  • You can cover it with a cloth.
  • Wait for a few hours.
  • Use a pair of tweezers to remove the splinter.

9. Epsom Salt for Removing the Splinter:

This home ingredient will make your work quite easier. Epsom salt is an effective method as it will swell up your finger and hence push the splinter outwards. Try the steps given below to experience it yourself. This is 100% safe.

How to Use:

  • Wash your finger and pat it dry.
  • Sprinkle some Epsom salt on it.
  • Cover the area with a soft cloth or a band-aid. This is done to ensure that the salt stays in the affected area.
  • Wait for some time.
  • Remove the band-aid and use a needle to get a splinter out.

10. Glue to Get a Splinter Out:

This may sound outlandish to you but for sure it is an effective method to get a splinter out. It is a cheap method and a less painful method. The splinter will get stuck to the glue and hence will come out. Try the steps given below and see the result yourself.

How to Use:

  • Wash the affected area with water and pat dry.
  • Apply a thick layer of glue on the affected area.
  • Let the glue dry.
  • Peel off the layer of glue.
  • The splinter will get stuck to it and will come out while peeling the layer of the glue.

11. Duct Tape for Removing the Splinter:

This works best to remove the fragile splinters. The splinter will get stuck to the tape and hence will come out with ease. Try the steps given below to get a splinter out.

How to Use:

  • Wash the area and pat dry.
  • Apply the tape on the splinter.
  • Press it near the point from where the splinter has pierced into the skin.
  • Don’t press on the entry point of the splinter because the splinter may go deeper into the skin.
  • Pull the tape slowly so that the splinter comes out.

12. Tweezers to Get a Splinter Out:

Try the following remedy to get rid of splinter fast.

How to Use:

  • Use an antibacterial wash to clean the affected area. This will avoid any kind of infection.
  • Sterilize your pair of tweezers with alcohol to prevent infection in the wound.
  • Keep your finger under a magnifying glass where is enough light.
  • Break the soft layer of the skin and use the pair of tweezers to draw it out.
  • Wash the area with an antibacterial solution to avoid infection.