How to Get Rid of Moles?

How to Get Rid of Moles?

In this article, we will talk about moles, causes of their occurrence on your body and some natural remedies that will help you to get rid of moles permanently. But, let’s first learn about moles. Moles, also known as melanocytic naevi in the medical community and is usually a benign skin lesion that is non-cancerous in nature. These lesions can simply occur anywhere on the human body but, their texture depends on from person to person. For, some the benign texture may be smooth and soft and for others, it is coarse and rough to touch. In some cases, the moles lie flat on the skin, whereas for others they are raised on the surface.

How Do Moles Develop on the Skin?

Moles develop on the skin when the melanocytes, that is a type of skin cells that gives each of us with a unique pigmented mark for a lifetime. They usually appear in clusters, rather than being uniformly distributed throughout the skin. This is the reason they usually appear darker than the surrounding area.

Moles are usually triggered by hormonal changes, which may be a reason of:

Teen Age:

When a person reaches its puberty, a lot of hormonal changes take place in their body. The appearance of moles is the greatest during attaining puberty.


During pregnancy, a lot of hormonal changes take place in a woman’s body. Although, no new moles are created during pregnancy but, the already existing ones, develop pigments and appear darker in color.


Excessive exposure to the sun can also trigger the formation of moles on the body. Moles caused due to sunlight are likely to transform into cancerous benign or melanoma.

Types of Moles:

Although all the moles may look the same to the untrained eyes but, on close inspection, one can actually see the subtle differences. Some of the most common types of moles are:

1.) Dermal Melanocytic Naevi:

These types of moles typically protrude from the skin and tend to have a pale appearance. These types of moles also have hair growth on them.

2.) Junctional Melanocytic Naevi:

These types of moles lie flat on the skin and are round. They usually appear deep brown or black on color.

3.) Compound Melanocytic Naevi:

These types of moles protrude from the skin as well as they are usually light brown in color. They may also have hair growth on them.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Moles

1.) Garlic to Get Rid of Moles

Garlic contains natural enzymes that help to break down the pigments which are responsible for the formation of moles. Also, it helps to lighten the dark pigmented area and get rid of moles easily over time. People have usually shared their experiences about the fast working of garlic and also prefer it to get rid of acne spots.


  • Crush a few garlic cloves to get a thick paste and keep it aside.
  • Clean the area on the skin where the mole exists.
  • Apply oil or petroleum jelly to protect the skin around the mole.
  • This is because garlic can burn your skin, so be cautious.
  • Apply the garlic paste to the mole and leave it to work overnight.
  • Repeat the remedy for up till 5-6 days and you will get effective results.
  • Garlic will cause the mole to fall off from the surface of the skin.

2.) Iodine to Get Rid of Moles 

After garlic, come the iodine. Well, there are people who just cannot stand the smell of garlic or do not want to use it in any way. In such cases, iodine is the remedy to get rid of moles. It is as effective as garlic but, friendly to sensitive skin is an addition to its benefits.


  • Simply dip a Q-tip or ear bud into the iodine and apply it directly to the mole.
  • Repeat this remedy thrice daily to get effective results.
  • Following the remedy religiously will make the mole fall off.
  • Meanwhile, you will also witness that the appearance of the mole will change during the removal process.
  • Continue the process to get rid of moles easily over time.

3.) Castor Oil to Get Rid of Moles 

Castor oil is third on our list of natural remedies to get rid of moles. This is because of its effective benefits that help to make the mole fall off and do not even leave ant scars behind, on the skin surface. It is also an excellent remedy for various other skin abnormalities like acne, skin tags, warts, etc. But, you have to be very patient while using castor oil though being an effective remedy, it takes almost a month to make the mole fall off completely.


  • Simply mix castor oil with baking soda to prepare a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste on the mole.
  • Leave for a few hours to work.
  • After the paste is completely dried, wash off.
  • Repeat the remedy twice daily to get rid of mole effectively over time.
  • No need to worry about baking soda burning your skin because castor oil lowers the intensity of baking soda and protects your skin.

4.) Pineapple to Get Rid of Moles 

Another effective remedy on the lost is Pineapple. It is effective because of the enzymes that help to break down the outer layer of the moles. This makes it easier to make the mole fall off from the surface of the skin. To make the remedy more effective, mix sea salt with pineapple. This will help to break down the pigments and speed up the process to make the mole fall off.


  • Mix pineapple juice with sea salt and prepare a thick paste.
  • Do not completely dissolve the salt and let its stay course.
  • Apply the mixture over the mole and leave to work.
  • Wait for a few hours or you can even leave it to work overnight.
  • Repeat the remedy religiously to get rid of moles over time.

5.) Onion Juice to Get Rid of Moles 

Onions are an effective remedy to get rid of moles, because of its high acidic content that makes the mole fall off easily from the surface of the skin. Apart from treating the moles, onions are also an effective remedy to get rid of tanning and even out the skin tone.


  • Simply grate an onion to extract the juice.
  • Apply it to the mole using a Q-tip.
  • Leave it for about 20 minutes to half an hour.
  • Wash off the area with water and pat dry.
  • Repeat the remedy thrice daily to get rid of moles easily over time.

6.) Honey to Get Rid of Moles 

Honey may not sound that effective but, trust me it is. The enzymes present in honey help to break down the pigments and make the mole fall off easily over time. This makes it an effective remedy to get rid of moles safely, without any complications and side effects.


  • Simply mix honey with a small amount of flaxseed.
  • Dab this mixture on the mole and leave for a few hours.
  • Wash it off with water afterward.
  • Repeat the remedy twice daily for effective results.
  • This will help to get rid of moles over time.

7.) Banana Peel to Get Rid of Moles 

Due to being rich in enzymes that can be effective to break down the pigments, the banana peel is a proven remedy to get rid of moles. Not only moles, but the banana peel is also effective to treat warts.


  • Simply scrape off the inner lining of the banana peel.
  • Place it directly to the mole.
  • Secure the area with a bandage to keep the things in place.
  • Leave this to work overnight.
  • Repeat the remedy religiously to get rid of moles over time.

8.) ACV to Get Rid of Moles 

No list of remedies is complete without the presence of apple cider vinegar. I always mention this statement every time we talk about ACV, just to make to aware of the importance of ACV in our lives. It is simply a cure for almost all the medical conditions and skin problems. No such condition exists that cannot be treated with Apple Cider Vinegar, though exceptions are always there but, only in a few rarer ones.

In the case of moles, it simply makes it fall off the surface of the skin and also protects the area from any secondary infection. Thus, making it an effective home remedy to get rid of moles over time.


  • Simply dip a cotton ball in diluted ACV and dab it on the mole.
  • Secure it with a paper tape or a bandage.
  • Following the remedy religiously will help to get rid of moles easily over time.


  • Opt for a patch test before using ACV. As it can cause irritation on sensitive skin.
  • Always dilute ACV, using it concentrated can burn your skin.
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