How to Get Rid of Scars?

Today, every single person is a participant in the race of looking beautiful, and they want to get rid of everything that acts as an obstacle in their way. Scars are also among those obstacles that are ugly and unsightly to the human eye. So, if you are also suffering from this problem, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will come up with a few natural remedies that will help you to get rid of scars easily and permanently.

Scars develop on the skin due to injuries such as cuts, lacerations or burns. Stretch marks are also a type of scar but not typically an injury. They emerge on the skin due to sudden weight gain or pregnancy. Surgery incisions and even acne can also leave nasty scars behind them that are not at all easy to get rid of. Scars are either flat or may even protrude severely.

A scar in an exposed site may make it difficult to live with. It also sometimes tends to lower the self-confidence of an individual. This is why a number of people seek for natural remedies to get rid of scars. The reason why natural remedies are preferred over OTC’s is that natural remedies are non-toxic and chemical free. They do not cause any harm to the skin if used over a long period.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Scars

Our body has natural properties to treat scars and lighten them over time. Natural remedies only help in speeding up the healing process. These natural ingredients help to make the nasty scars less visible and then clarify the skin over time.

1.) Shea Butter and Coconut Oil for Scars

While suffering from an injury on the skin, it is important to keep the area moist. This is because dryness can irritate the skin even more. This will also speed up the healing process. The presence of Omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidants in Shea butter and coconut oil inhibit the keloid scar tissue and get rid of scars easily by repairing the damaged skin.


  • Either mix both the ingredients or individually apply it to the affected area.
  • Repeat the remedy thrice daily.
  • No need to rinse, just leave it on the skin.
  • This will help to get rid of scars on a regular application.

2.) Silicone Gel Sheets to Get Rid of Scars

Silicone sheets are a sticky, clear pad that helps to speed the healing process of a damaged skin. It also makes the damaged skin, less painful and inflamed. This helps to get rid of scars on a regular application.


  • Simply place the gel pad on the affected area and let it dry.
  • This usually requires multiple applications within a day.
  • Repeat the remedy to get rid of scars easily.

NOTE- Avoid friction with clothes as this can create a problem for the pad to stick to the skin and stay for a longer period of time.

3.) Lemon to Get Rid of Scars

Lemon has natural bleaching properties that help to get rid of scars easily. The regular application may diminish those nasty scars over time. This makes it an excellent natural remedy, especially for acne scars.


  • Simply cut a fresh slice of lemon and rub on the affected area.
  • You can also soak a cotton swab in lemon juice and apply to the affected area.
  • Repeat the remedy every alternate day.
  • This will help to get rid of scars by diminishing them over time.

NOTE- Do not overuse lemon, as it can make the skin sensitive to the sun.

4.) Onion Extract for Scars

Onions are another excellent natural remedy to get rid of scars. This is because it has Bioflavonoid such as Quercetin, Kaempferol, and Cepain. These elements treat the damaged skin and speed up the healing process over time.


  • Extract the juice of onions by grating them.
  • Soak a cotton swab and apply it to the affected area.
  • Repeat the remedy regularly to get effective results.

5.) Aloe Vera to Treat Scars

Aloe Vera is known to have natural scar removal properties. Also, its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties are an addition to its benefits that help to get rid of scars over time. It works as a natural emollient that repairs the damaged skin and initiates the growth of new skin cells. Aloe Vera also softens the skin texture over time.


  • Simply scoop out the gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf.
  • Apply it on the affected area for almost half an hour.
  • Gently give soft massages to the area when the gel is still wet.
  • Now, wash it off.
  • Repeat the remedy twice daily to get effective results.

NOTE- Avoid applying aloe vera to open wounds

6.) Vitamin E Oil for Scar Removal

Vitamin E oil is an excellent natural remedy to get rid of scars. This is because of its natural antioxidant properties and it also moisturizes your skin.


  • Squeeze out the oil from Vitamin E capsules.
  • Smear the oil and give a gentle massage to the affected skin.
  • Leave it for 10-15 minutes and the wash off.
  • Repeat the remedy several times daily to get effective results.

NOTE- Always opt for a patch test as the oil may not suit many skin types.

7.) Olive Oil to Vanish Scars

Another effective remedy to get rid of scars on your skin is Olive Oil. Due to being rich in Vitamin E, which is a natural scar treatment. It also moisturizes the skin to keep it soft. Use extra virgin oil for best results.


  • Warm olive oil and apply it to the affected area.
  • Give a gentle massage for about half an hour.
  • Leave the oil on your skin to work overnight.
  • In an addition, you can also mix lavender oil with olive oil.
  • Apply it to the affected area and massage for a few minutes.
  • Rinse it off with warm water.
  • Repeat the remedy several times a day regularly for effective results.

8.) Honey to Get Rid of Scars

Honey acts as a natural moisturizing agent. It also helps to prevent the accumulation of dead cells and stimulate the skin tissue regeneration. All this makes it an excellent remedy to get rid of scars.


  • Apply raw honey to the affected area and cover it with cotton gauze.
  • Leave it overnight to work.
  • Wash it off the next morning.
  • Repeat the remedy daily before going to bed.
  • Another alternative is to prepare a homemade honey scrub.
  • Mix equal amounts of honey and crystallized sugar.
  • Apply it to the affected area and scrub for a few minutes.
  • Rinse the area with warm water and then pat dry.
  • Repeat the remedy regularly to get better results.

9.) The ACV Remedy to Treat Scars

Apple Cider Vinegar has natural anti-inflammatory properties that help to get rid the redness and inflammation on the skin. The acidic nature of ACV helps to lighten the scars over time.


  • Dilute ACV in water and use it as a toner for your skin.
  • You can also drink ACV diluted with water.
  • Top it with a bit of honey to enhance the taste and other nutritional benefits.
  • Repeat the remedy regularly to get effective results.

NOTE- Always use organic ACV that has the mother.

10.) Rosehip Seed Oil for Scars

Rosehip seed oil is the most common ingredient used in various cosmetics and scar removal treatments. It helps to treat scarred skin tissues and get rid of them over time.


  • Take a few drops of the oil on your fingers.
  • Apply it to the affected areas.
  • Give a gentle massage and let it stay on the skin.
  • Repeat the process twice daily.
  • This will help to get rid of scars easily.

11.) Potatoes to Get Rid of Scars

Potatoes are an excellent bleaching agent. When used regularly they can help to get rid of scars by lightning them over time.


  • Grate a peeled raw potato and extract the juice.
  • Apply it on the affected area using a cotton ball.
  • This help to fade away the scars.
  • If you are too lazy for all this just cut a fresh slice of raw potato.
  • Rub it on the affected area.

12.) Tomatoes for Scars Treatment

Another great bleaching agent is the tomato. It helps to get rid of scars and lighten the pigmentation over time.


  • Slice a tomato and rub it on the affected area.
  • Repeat the remedy regularly until you get the desired results.