How to Get Rid of Spiders?

how to get rid of spiders

Are you fed up of dangling spider webs all over the house? Then yes, you are at the right place. Sharing your house with unwanted guests has always been a no-no, and when these guests are non-human, getting rid of them becomes even more important. These ugly-looking eerie spiders are something everyone dislikes, only the freaks can tolerate their presence in the house. In this article, we come up with a few natural remedies that will help you to get rid of spiders easily without much fuss.

Waving the spiders “bye-bye” becomes even more important when you have babies, toddlers or oldies in your house. Spiders usually intrude your place in search of food and shelter. Especially during the rainy season and winters, no place would be as safe and warm than your house. All these factors attract the spiders to become an unwanted guest at your place.

how to get rid of spidershow to get rid of spiders

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Spiders

Here are a few natural remedies that will help you to fend off the nasty little critters without harming them at all. So, to all those freaky animal lovers, we aren’t harming them. Just waving a bye-bye as they are a bit too unwanted to be treated as guests anymore.

The first step is to keep up proper hygiene and cleanliness in the house. A tidy house is not really favorable for the spiders to live. If you still evidence these crawling pals then follow the remedies below:

1.) Vinegar Spray to Eliminate Spiders 

The smell of vinegar is not wooed by the spiders and create an unfavorable environment for them to live. Thus, it is an excellent remedy to get rid of spiders.


  • All you need to do is, mix a cup of white vinegar to two cups of water.
  • Pour it in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the mixture all over the place, also at their entry points.
  • These include windows, vents, doors etc.
  • A regular spray will help to get rid of spiders and, it also prevents from repeated intrusion.

2.) Dish Wash Soap for Spiders 

Dish wash is a chemical free, natural anti-spider spray that helps to get rid of spiders easily. It is also a simple and easy to carry out remedy as dish wash is mostly available in every kitchen. Using lime flavored wash is an addition to its effectiveness.


  • Mix liquid soap in water to form a soapy solution.
  • Pour it in a spray bottle and spray it all over the place where you evidence their existence.
  • Spraying it to the places with the spider eggs will disturb their cycle.
  • Regular application will help to get rid of these nasty critters easily.

3.) Essential Oils for Spiders 

The aroma of many essential oils like Tea tree, cinnamon, vitamin C, peppermint, lavender, and citronella is what the spiders hate. This is because the spiders just can’t tolerate the smell and this helps to get rid of spiders easily. 


  • Use the essential oil that you wanna use or is readily available. 
  • Dilute a few drops of the chosen oil in water and fill it in a spray bottle. 
  • Spray this solution to the spider dominant areas of the house. 
  • This will help to eliminate spiders from the house. 
  • Alternatively, you can also fill a flower vase with water and add a few drops of lavender oil to it. 
  • Place it at the entry point. 
  • Repeat the remedy regularly until no signs of spiders are seen.
  • The strong smell of the oil will keep the spiders away. 
  • Peppermint is also an effective remedy as it is a natural insecticide. 

4.) Garlic Sprays for Spiders 

Garlic is an excellent natural remedy to repulse the spiders off your place. This is because garlic is lethal to the spiders, which makes it one of the best home remedies to get rid of spiders easily. 


  • Crush 10-12 garlic cloves and extract the juice. 
  • Mix it with water to form a solution. 
  • Fill it in a spray bottle and sprinkle the solution to all the spider dominant areas. 
  • Repeat regularly to get effective results. 

5.) Cayenne Pepper for Spiders 

The Capsaicin found in the cayenne pepper is an excellent spider repellent. This is because it helps to keep the spiders away and spiders hate the spicy aroma of cayenne pepper. 


  • Grind the pepper to a fine powdery consistency. 
  • Dilute it with water to form a solution. 
  • Now, spray the solution to the area where you witness spiders the most. 
  • Alternatively, you can also simply sprinkle the powdered pepper directly to these areas. 
  • Repeat regularly to get effective results. 

NOTE- The pepper powder is very spicy, so use it carefully. Avoid the contact with the eyes. Also, cover your mouth while spraying the solution, especially in the case of powder because it can carry away with the air. 

6.) Lemons to Get Rid of Spiders 

Spiders usually stay away from citrus foods, this is because of the sour smell that the spiders hate the most. This makes an unfavorable environment for the spiders to reside. 


  • Dilute lemon juice with water to form a solution. 
  • Fill it in a spray bottle and sprinkle it to the spider dominant areas. 
  • You can also use lemon peel and place it in these areas. 
  • This acts as a great spider repellent. 
  • In an addition, oranges can also be used to get rid of spiders. 
  • Just use them similar to the lemons. 
  • Regular usage will keep your place spider free.

7.) Turmeric for Spiders 

Turmeric acts as a natural insect repellent that helps to get rid of spiders easily including an array of other pests. This also happens easily because spiders are allergic to turmeric. 


  • Simply sprinkle turmeric powder to the areas where you witness spiders. 
  • This will help to thrive out these critters. 

8.) Baking Soda and Salt Remedy 

Spiders tend to hate and repel if they come in contact with these ingredients. This is because baking soda acts as a Biopesticide, on the other hand, salt is actually highly poisonous for spiders. This makes these ingredients natural spider repellents. 


  • Either mix baking soda and salt in equal proportions.
  • Sprinkle at the kitchen racks, corners, and other spider dominant places. 
  • You can also use them individually, sprinkling one at a time. 
  • Regular usage will help to get rid of spiders easily. 

9.) Cloves to Get Rid of Spiders 

The Eugenol present in Cloves acts as a natural insecticide, used to get rid of spiders and various other pesky critters. 


  • Mix a few drops of clove oil with water to form a solution. 
  • Spray it to the spider dominant areas using a spray bottle. 
  • As an alternative, you can also simply place a clove at these areas. 
  • The strong aroma of a single clove is enough to irritate the spiders. 

10.) Mint Tea for Spiders 

The strong aroma of mint is an excellent remedy to get rid of spiders easily. This is because spiders and other pesky insects hate the aroma of mint. 


  • Simply prepare a mint tea and sprinkle on the spider dominant areas. 
  • You can also use mint tea bags. 
  • Just open up a tea bag and sprinkle the content all over the place. 
  • As soon as the spiders come in contact with the tea, they will get irritated and leave the place immediately. 
  • You can also use mint oil as an alternative. 

11.) Lilac to Get Rid of Spiders 

Lilac is a touted remedy that helps to get rid of spiders and other pesky critters from the house. This is because it has natural insect repellent properties. 


  • Soak a cotton ball in Lilac oil and apply to the entry points of spiders. 
  • You can also boil lilac leaves in water to prepare a solution. 
  • Now, sprinkle the solution to the spider dominant areas. 

12.) Tomato Leaves to Get Rid of Spiders 

Tomato leaves are a great spider repellent remedy that helps to get rid of spiders easily without much fuss. 


  • Just place a few fresh tomato leaves to the spider dominant areas. 
  • You can also blend the leaves with water to form a solution. 
  • Sprinkle the solution to these areas to get rid of spiders easily. 

13.) Eucalyptus Oil for Spiders 

The strong aroma of Eucalyptus oil helps to repel spiders and eliminate them from the house. 


  • Simply soak a cotton ball in the oil.
  • Apply to the entry points of the spiders and other pests. 
  • Alternatively, you can also place eucalyptus leaves at the spider dominant areas. 
  • Repeat regularly to get effective results. 

14.) Vacuum Cleaner to Get Rid of Spiders 

If nothing works, just vacuum the spiders away. It is an effective method to get rid of spiders when none of the natural remedies are helping. This is because the bodies of spiders are not strong enough to resist the air pressure created through a vacuum cleaner to suck away the unwanted elements all over the place. Just use a vacuum cleaner to suck away all the spiders and their webs. 

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