In this article, we will discuss warts; that is a skin affliction, its causes and a few natural remedies that will help to get rid of warts easily and effectively. Warts are a skin condition where extra cells tend to develop on the surface of your skin. This is the result of infection caused due to Human Papillomavirus (HPV) that stimulates the quick growth of cells. In most of the cases, warts appear on the fingers near the nails or on the hands. A few types of warts infection may also affect the genitals.
Types of Warts
1.) Plantar Warts
This usually appears as a flesh-colored lump on the surface of the skin. These lumps are flecked with small blood vessels that appear as tiny black dots.
2.) Genital Warts
As the name suggests, this type of warts infection affect the genitals. This includes the pubic area, groin, around the anus or even in the vagina. They may seem like tiny flesh-colored growths of extra cells on the surface of the skin in the genital area. Generally, these types of warts are either very tiny to see or ay appear like small parts of a cauliflower. Genital warts often affect the area in clusters or in a group of 3-4. These are not painful but can cause mild bleeding and itching. HPV or genital warts are the most common sexually transmitted disease, especially in North America.
3.) Flat Warts
This type of warts infection is more common in children and teens. Flat warts are smoother in appearance than other kinds of warts infection. These generally affect the facial skin but can also appear on the legs especially in the case of women.
Warts infection is highly contagious and can easily spread through direct contact with the affected person. This may vary from sharing personal stuff to sexual activities.
Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Warts
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1.) The ACV Remedy to Get Rid of Warts
No list of natural remedies is complete without Apple Cider Vinegar. No matter whatever your medical condition is, you will always find ACV mentioned in the list of natural remedies that can help to treat it effectively and safely. Warts are another type of skin infection that is easily cured with the help of ACV. It may not actually kill the virus causing warts but, it helps to speed up the healing process by attacking the accumulated dead skin on the infected area and safely peels it off from the surface of the skin, thus helping to get rid of warts easily.
- Simply dilute 2 tablespoons of organic ACV in water.
- Soak a cotton ball in the mixture.
- Squeeze off extra dripping liquid.
- Now, place the soaked cotton ball on the affected area.
- Finally, secure it with a bandage to keep the cotton ball in place.
- Leave this to work overnight.
- Repeat the remedy for at least a week.
- This will help to peel off warts within 1-2 weeks.
2.) Milkweed to Get Rid of Warts
Milkweed is an effective remedy to get rid of warts. This is because of its proteolytic enzymes that help to digest and dissolve the flesh which forms a wart. Milkweed remedy is an age-old remedy and is famous, especially among the Native Americans.
- Simply extract the sap of the milkweed.
- The sap is the liquid of the plant that appears similar to milk.
- Firstly, file warts infected area using a pumice stone.
- Do not even think of peeling off the wart with the stone.
- This can severely damage the skin and worsen the infection.
- Soak a cotton ball or use a bud to apply the sap on warts.
- Leave on to work and reapply several times a day.
- This is an effective remedy to get rid of warts easily.
- Milkweed is a wild plant that grows almost anywhere. So, the plant is poisonous. Keep it away from children and pets and take precautions while making using it.
- In the case of sensitive skin do not reapply milkweed more than 2-3 times a day.
- If redness or rashes develop after application, immediately wash off and consult a doctor.
3.) Banana to Getting Rid of Warts
Another natural ingredient with Proteolytic Enzyme is a Banana. This enzyme is best known to each up the flesh that forms a wart. This makes it can an excellent remedy to get rid of warts easily and effectively.
- Simply take a banana peel and scrape off the inner lining of the peel.
- Apply it directly to warts.
- Let it dry then reapply.
- Repeat the remedy thrice regularly until the warts are gone.
- Yu can also directly rub the banana peel over warts.
- Only if, you are a lazy lad and do not want to work.
4.) Vitamin C to Get Rid of Warts
Vitamin C helps to fight the infection and kill the virus. It not only boosts the immune system but, the citric acid content help to speed up the healing process and fight infection.
- Foods rich in vitamin C like lemon, lime, potatoes, tomato, and kiwi are an excellent remedy to get rid of warts.
- Simply cut a fresh slice of the chosen fruit and rub on warts.
- You can also extract the juice of the chosen fruit.
- Now, soak a cotton ball in it and apply to the affected area.
- Secure it with a bandage to keep the cotton in place.
- Repeat the process regularly to get effective results.
- Alternatively, you can also crush a few vitamin C tablets.
- Mix enough amount of water to form a paste.
- Apply to the affected area and secure with a bandage.
- Repeat this remedy regularly to get rid of warts.
5.) Basil to Get Rid of Warts
Basil has natural anti-viral properties that help to fight the virus causing infection and get rid of warts easily over time. It also speeds up the natural healing process thus, giving you a speedy recovery.
- Take 1/4th cup of fresh basil leaves.
- Crush the leaves to form a paste.
- Apply this paste to warts.
- Secure it with a bandage.
- Repeat the remedy daily until a week to get rid of warts.
6.) Dandy-lions to Get Rid of Warts
Yes, though it sounds weird but dandy-lions help to get rid of the warts infection. This is because the milk of dandy-lion has certain enzymes that kill the virus causing infection and speeds up the natural healing process.
- Simply rip off the head of a dandy-lion.
- Rub the milk of the stem on warts.
- Cover it with a bandage.
- Repeat the remedy twice daily to get rid of warts.
7.) Honey to Get Rid of Warts
Organic Manuka Honey is the best to use for warts. This is because of its richness in natural anti-bacterial, antiviral properties that help to fight the infection and get rid of warts permanently. In addition to its effectiveness, honey restricts the supply of oxygen to warts thus killing the virus.
- Use a pumice stone to gently file warts.
- Simply use a cotton bud to apply honey on warts.
- Secure it with a bandage or wrap a piece of paper around it.
- Leave it to work for 24 hours and then change the bandage.
- Repeat the remedy regularly to get rid of warts effectively.
8.) Poke the Warts Off
That accumulated flesh on the surface of the skin is nothing but a trick that secures the virus from your immune system. The virus develops a fleshy cage around itself to stay protected. When you use a needle to poke warts, your body gets alert to this action and immediately attacks the virus, thus killing it and help to get rid of warts easily. This process is known as Immunotherapy.
- Simply use a surgical needle to perform this task.
- First, numb the affected area with ice to prevent pain.
- Now, heat the needle over the flame to sterilize it.
- Poke the sterilized needle all over warts.
- Do not hold it in place, just poke and remove immediately.
- Discard the needle and wash your hands with a disinfectant hand wash.
All the above mentioned natural home remedies are not instant cures. They take time up to a week or 2 to get rid of warts and kill the infection. The time taken is enough to kill the virus and treat the infection permanently. As no natural remedy is a witch’s wand so, all you need to have is lots and lots of patience. You must have heard the phrase used in medical terms “something that is instantaneous is never effective”