In this article, we will learn different ways to grow your hair into long, lush locks in a couple of months. There are many hair products in the market claiming fast growth of hair but trust me; hair growth is not an easy task. It all depends on your health and diet. The quality of your diet decides the healthiness of your hair. Hair growth is not an overnight process unless it is similar to the growth of Chia pets. One needs to take proper care of their hair for those long lush strands.
Gaining length takes time, all you need to do is take proper care. Typically, hair grows about a quarter to a half-inch per month. That is only when your hair is healthy with no split ends. If you have them, then make scissors your best friend.
Top Remedies to Grow Your Hair
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- Top Remedies to Grow Your Hair
- 1.) Trimming Split Ends
- 2.) Using Conditioner For Your Hair
- 3.) Avoid Regular Shampooing
- 4.) Oil Massage or Mask Treatments
- 5.) Tying and Entangling Your Hair
- 6.) Castor Oil For Faster Hair Growth
- 7.) Whip Up An Egg Mask
- 8.) Gooseberry For Thicker Hair
- 9.) Lemons For Your Shinier, Dandruff Free Strands
- 10.) Beetroot Keep Your Hair Healthy
- 11.) Fenugreek: A Great Hair Moisturizer
- 12.) Snacking On Nuts and Seeds
1.) Trimming Split Ends
All you need to do is trim off the split ends as they grow; because these split ends tend to weaken the hair strands thus results in falling off the root. This regular snipping off the tips may not help to grow your faster but will make the hair look healthy and prevent the tip splits working up their way to the top root and as a result weakening the strand. Many celebrity hair stylists suggest remedies, asking you to take around just an eighth of an inch off every 10 to 12 weeks to prevent extreme split ends before they start. This will surely initiate the process and will also help to grow your hair faster.
2.) Using Conditioner For Your Hair
Even if you don’t shampoo your hair regularly, you should condition them every day. Many people skip conditioning, but shampoo daily, well this is the biggest mistake they are committing if they expect to grow long strands. Conditioners have compounds like lipid and proteins that help the hair regain their health that is damaged due to everyday styling that involves chemicals and heating irons. Due to which the hair strands start to get thinner and lose its nourishment. Applying conditioner daily helps in sealing the cuticle thus preventing further damage and help to grow your hair faster by boosting up the natural process.
3.) Avoid Regular Shampooing
As discussed above, regular conditioning proves better than regular shampooing. Shampoos are meant to clean off the dirt from the hair, but regular usage can also wash off some essential oils present in the roots of the hair that help in keeping the hair strands soft and healthy. And the right way to shampoo is to gently lather up on the roots and let it slide down to the tips. Do not rub your scalp vigorously, especially with your nails as this can weaken the roots and also damage the scalp.
4.) Oil Massage or Mask Treatments
There are plenty of products available in the market to choose from essential oils to hair masks. All you need to do is pick the right product according to your requirements and the type of treatment you need for your hair. Celeb stylists suggest a recipe for your hair:
- A cup of unrefined coconut oil mixed with 1 tablespoon each of almond, macadamia, and jojoba oil. All you need to do is apply this before shampooing and leave it for at least half an hour then rinse it. This works as a conditioner and helps in regaining the essential oils and other health properties as required by your hair.
- Because oil leaves a residue when applied to the hair so you are advised to apply it on damp hair then wash off with the regular procedure. When these oils are applied they fill up the roots with fatty acids and the shampoo tends to seal them in. Oil-based hair treatments have given proven results to many, all you need is patience and to take good care of your hair.
- If you have dandruff prone scalp, then rosemary is the best choice for you. This herb has antioxidant properties that tend to boost hair growth and also scrape off dandruff. In addition, the sulfur and silica content in the herb help to prevent hair loss.
- You can either purchase rosemary essential oil and mix with any base oil like olive or castor oil and apply it to the roots of your hair.
- Alternatively, dries rosemary powder can also be mixed with base oil to get a good and nutritious hair massage.
5.) Tying and Entangling Your Hair
Leaving your hair open can make them prone to dust and pollution, thus weakening the roots and this leads to breakage. So you should prefer tying them up when you need to commute regularly. Otherwise, you can flaunt your long bangs while being indoors.
You should always take care of your hair like woven silk strands. Yes, you need to be that gentle if you dream of that Rapunzel hair. While entangling, start from the ends and work up your fingers to the top. Choose the right quality of hair brush and opt for those softer ones. Softer teeth of the brush tend to distribute the essential oils all over the scalp and prevent breakage.
6.) Castor Oil For Faster Hair Growth
Being rich in Omega 3, castor oil proves to be the best treatment to grow your hair. Omega 3 is helpful in reducing dryness on the scalp that helps in preventing dandruff and also nourishes your hair and scalp. In addition to its benefits, it also adds volume to the hair, making them look healthier and shinier, also prevents the frizz. So if you are a straight strand lover, then this is the remedy to opt for.
- For more effective results mix it with some essential oils like rosemary or other base oils to give more richness to the hair and a better consistency to the texture to the oil.
- Mixing base oil also makes it easier to wash off the oil from the scalp, due to being thick and sticky it is a bit difficult to wash it off in a single try.
7.) Whip Up An Egg Mask
Who doesn’t know that eggs are good for the hair? Eggs contain the most important element of the hair that is Keratin protein, which also helps in avoiding frizziness of the hair adding to its essential properties. Proteins are very important for growth, whether it’s your body or your hair. There are other sources of proteins that can be included in your diet along with eggs, but if you do not want to use eggs as they stink so you can apply yogurt instead. It may not be that rich in protein but it will help in nourishing your hair and making them soft, giving them a shinier appearance.
- Whip up some egg yolks along with olive oil and apply on your scalp. Leave it for a few minutes then rinse it off. It does stink so use some good fragrance shampoo.
- You can also mix the egg yolks along with yogurt or mayonnaise and blend them together. Apply it on your scalp and hair. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse it off.
8.) Gooseberry For Thicker Hair
Now, Gooseberry is something our grandmothers used to apply the paste on their scalp or even eat it raw. It is good for the hair and today every hair product claims of having Gooseberry extracts in it from oils or shampoos. Who knows if they really do? So the best remedy is to use fresh or dried Gooseberries for effective results.
- Coconut Oil infused with Indian Gooseberry is good for your hair. A simple procedure is to heat coconut oil and gooseberry wedges together in a wok and cool it at room temperature.
- Apply it on the scalp, giving a proper salon like a massage to your roots and scalp. It is proven to give effective results and is also helpful in preventing premature graying of hair, which is a common problem today due to pollution and stress.
- We teens and youngsters are fond of styling our hair and using various chemical products. All this leads to premature graying.
9.) Lemons For Your Shinier, Dandruff Free Strands
Lemons are rich in Vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, also folic acid, and other nutrients that add to its health benefits. Also, they are loaded with antioxidants. Along with hair growth lemons also give long, shiny and dandruff free hair.
- Mix lemon juice with olive oil or coconut oil and apply on the scalp.
- Leave it for 30-45 minutes and then rinse with mild shampoo.
- Repeat this remedy twice a week to grow your hair faster.
NOTE- Do not use lemons excessively as it can lighten your hair color over time.
10.) Beetroot Keep Your Hair Healthy
Beetroot is a vegetable often included in the diet as a salad and is also and effective remedy to grow your hair fast.
- You can easily juice it up in a juicer or make a thick paste in a blender as preferred.
- Some people even prepare beetroot soup flavoring it with some herbs, salt, and spices according to their taste.
- It is rich in carotenoids, protein, vitamins B, C, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and silica.
- It is also very healthy as well as an important ingredient to include in your daily diet being in any form as preferred by your taste buds.
11.) Fenugreek: A Great Hair Moisturizer
Fenugreek seeds are rich in proteins. Thus is a good remedy for hair growth, adding to its benefits, it also has lecithin that helps to moisturize hair strands and also strengthen the hair.
- Mixing it in spices can add taste to your food plus benefit your hair.
- You can also sprout the seeds in a sprouter or whatever method you use to sprout beans and other seeds.
- Add a few herbs and other flavorings and have it in your breakfast.
- Regular intake will strengthen the hair and help to grow your hair quickly over time.
12.) Snacking On Nuts and Seeds
The most important and healthy diet intake include nuts and seeds. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and seed that are a sunflower, pumpkin, Chia are rich in zinc, selenium, and Vitamin B thus helps to grow your hair fast. Fatty acids present in them tend to moist the hair roots, preventing breakage, dryness, and dandruff. Snaking on salted or plain nuts is beneficial for your hair and skin.
Taking care of your hair and maintaining a healthy diet is very much important for both your body and your hair. Hair won’t be healthy unless your body gets enough amounts of nutrients and vitamins. So you need to eat and stay healthy, and there is no such need to opt for supplements, tablets and other over the counter treatments available to grow your hair faster. As these supplements can result in harmful side effects.