A sore throat is an infection caused by the bacteria. This makes the throat pain and swelled from inside. The person having a sore throat is not able to eat and swallow properly. His/her life becomes quite difficult as it solely depends on the liquid diet. There are numerous medicines, available in drug stores to treat sore throat. These drugs are not good for health as they have side effects. The best way to treat sore throat is using the home remedies. Read this article to learn the home remedies for sore throat.
Home Remedies for Sore Throat
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1.) Black Pepper to Treat Sore Throat
Black pepper covers of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial property that run instant relief from cold, respiratory tract infection, cough, and sore throat. It is one of the best home remedies for sore throat.
Things You Need:
- One spoon black pepper powder.
- Two spoons of lemon juice.
- One spoon of salt.
- One cup of warm water.
Steps to Follow:
- In a small bowl take one spoon of black pepper powder, two spoons of lemon juice, and two spoons of salt.
- Stir it well and add one cup of hot water.
- Drink this mixture a few times a day when it is lukewarm.
- This drink might taste foul, however, it is one of the helpful remedies for sore throat.
2.) Cayenne Pepper to Cure Sore Throat
Cayenne pepper is one of the great home remedies for sore throat to liquefy the phlegm and it increases the phlegm discharge from a sore throat. It also helps to lower the pain in your chest and remove the irritation of the sore throat. It is one of the top most home remedies for sore throat.
Things You Need:
- Half spoon of cayenne pepper.
- One spoon of fresh ginger juice.
- One spoon of honey.
- A spoon of apple cider vinegar.
- Two spoons of water.
- One mixing bowl.
Steps to Follow:
- Mix one spoon each of cayenne pepper and fresh ginger juice, one spoon each of honey and apple cider vinegar, and two spoons of water in a mixing bowl.
- Have this mixture two times in a day to lower the pain caused by a sore throat.
3.) Honey to Get Rid of Sore Throat
Honey with its antiviral, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties is a great option to eliminate the problem of a sore throat. It also comprises of antiseptic properties that enhance your immunity which in turn helps to fight infections faster. It is one of the simplest home remedies for sore throat.
Process 1: Raw honey
Things You Need:
- One spoon of honey.
- One glass of warm water.
Steps to Follow:
- Add one spoon of raw honey to a glass of warm water.
- Drink this mixture a few times in a day to release the pain of a sore throat.
Method 2: Black Pepper with Honey
Things You Need:
- One spoon of honey.
- Half spoon of crushed black pepper.
- One mixing bowl.
Steps to Follow:
- Mix one spoon of honey with half spoon of crushed black pepper in a mixing bowl.
- Have this mixture three times a day for a few days to get relief from a sore throat.
4.) Onion as a Remedy for Sore Throat
The anti-inflammatory, expectorant and antibiotic properties of onion help to reduce the throat congestion caused by sore throat infection. Onion also enhances your immunity system and boosts the healing process.
Things You Need:
- One small onion piece.
- Two spoons of sugar.
Steps to Follow:
- Finely slice an onion piece after washing it.
- Mix the onion with two spoons of sugar and place it aside for one or two hours.
- The mixture will form a liquid consistency.
- Have one spoon of this liquid like a medicine every two to three hours as and when needed to remove mucus from sore throat.
5.) Chicken Soup to Cure Sore Throat
This greatest home remedies for sore throat is another medium to reduce pain caused by a sore throat. Chicken soup helps to moisten the nostrils that help to clear up the mucus in throat. It will also calm an irritated sore throat and provide relaxation.
Things You Need:
- One chicken.
- Ginger slices.
- One spoon of crushed black peppercorns.
- Two onions.
- Large carrots.
- Four glass of water.
- One spoon of sea salt.
- Garlic cloves.
- One pan.
Steps to Follow:
- Mix all the above-mentioned ingredients in a large pan with four glass of water.
- Let it boil for a few minutes and simmer it for a couple of hours.
- Boil till the chicken becomes tender.
- Add one spoon of salt for taste.
- Enjoy this chicken soup at least three times a day.
- This remedy is tried and tested one for a sore throat.
6.) Licorice Root to Treat Sore Throat
Licorice roots cover anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties which lessen the growth and touchiness of the throat. It also lessens the mucus formation in your throat.
Things You Need:
- 200 ml of Licorice root.
- One cup of cinnamon sticks.
- One cup of chamomile flowers.
- Two glasses of water.
Steps to Follow:
- Take 200 ml of dry and chopped licorice root in a mixing bowl.
- Mix three spoons of clove buds, one cup of cinnamon sticks and one cup of chamomile flowers in a mixing bowl.
- Use these ingredients to make tea for relief, and store the left item in a sealed container for later use.
- Boil two glass of water, and add a few spoons of tea in it.
- Boil for a few minutes on low heat.
- Strain and have it while it is hot.
- Consuming this tea three times a day will help you to get fast relief from pain and irritation due to a sore throat.
7.) Chickpea to Get Rid of Sore Throat
Chickpea contains a great range of nutrients, like fibers, vitamins, and proteins. It has sufficient amount of energy and with its numerous healing properties, it can be considered as the greatest home remedies for sore throat problem.
Things You Need:
- Two spoons of chickpea flour.
- One spoon of ground almonds.
- Four cups of water.
- One frying pan.
Steps to Follow:
- Take two spoons of chickpea flour and roast it in a frying pan without using oil.
- Keep it on a medium flame till it becomes light brown.
- Add one spoon of ground almonds to two spoons of chick pea flour and roast the mixture a little over the heat.
- Now, add a few cups of water to this mixture.
- Have this mixture thrice a day for a few days to get rid of a sore throat problem.
8.) Turmeric to Treat Sore Throat
This is another one of the best remedies for sore throat problem. The strong antiseptic nature of turmeric helps to lower the pain by killing the bacteria that can trigger the excessive making of mucus. Furthermore, turmeric also builds up your immune system.
Process 1: Turmeric
Things You Need:
- One spoon of turmeric powder.
- One glass of water.
Steps to Follow:
- Add one spoon of turmeric powder to a glass of water.
- Have this mixture two to three times in a day till the problem in your throat subsides.
Process 2: Milk with Turmeric
Things You Need:
- One spoon of turmeric powder.
- One glass of hot milk.
Steps to Follow:
- Add one spoon of turmeric powder to a glass of hot milk.
- Have this mixture once in the early morning and next during the night before going to sleep.
- Do this method regularly to get rid of sore throat.
Process 3: Turmeric and Salt Gargle
Things You Need:
- One spoon of turmeric powder.
- Half spoon of salt.
- One glass of lukewarm water.
Steps to Follow:
- Make a solution by mixing one spoon of turmeric & half spoon of salt to a glass of lukewarm water.
- Next, gargle by this solution only.
- Repeat this three to four times in a day to keep pain in the throat at bay.
Prevention from Sore Throat:
- Always clean your hands before having food and, after rubbing your nose as well as after going to the bathroom to eliminate the spread of viruses.
- Do not consume drinks like sodas, coffee, soft drinks, and any sugar related drinks as they contain caffeine.
- Do not use antibiotics as it lowers your immunity, and does not remove the viruses.
- Use bulb or pot syringe for removing out the nasal discharge.
- Get sufficient rest, as it benefits your body to logically fight against the cold symptoms.
- If you are suffering from a sore throat, then clean your throat whenever you get a chance to get rid of sore throat.
- Take ample of fluids like juices, soups, apart from plain water as it benefits to flush out the fluids which get built-up in your nose.
- Frequently use hot compress during sore throat by soaking a cloth in hot water and place it on your face, it benefits to lower the sinus pressure as well as cleanse the nasal passages.
- Put some drops of almond oil into your nose that helps in treating sore throat and runny nose.
- Have spicy food during the cold like garlic, cayenne peppers, pepper, ginger, clove, hot peppers as it removes out the free radicals from the body.
- While removing the dust always use a filtered mask to stop cold symptoms like a runny nose and sneezing.
- Have marshmallows as it has gelatin coats that soothe the irritation.
- Use antiseptic mouthwash regularly to clean your throat, which avoids the flu and cold symptoms.