Spotting a cockroach on the bed is not a problem, the problem starts when it disappears. You must have heard this funny quote a lot of times. But this is not always funny as this annoying insect with wings doesn’t only frighten you, but is also a carrier of different diseases. American cockroaches and German cockroaches are the most common species of cockroaches. American cockroaches are reddish brown in color with yellow bands on the shield and German cockroaches are pale brown in color with brown stripes behind the head. The saliva of the cockroaches contaminate the food and are responsible for several diseases. They can also damage other items in the home such as clothes, wires, and books. But don’t worry, in this article, you will find a list of natural ways to kill cockroaches.
Reasons Behind Cockroach Infestation:
- Cockroaches multiply at a fast rate.
- They can easily survive with bare minimum requirements.
- Cockroaches are attracted to foods that are left uncovered.
- They can enter the house through small crevices and drain pipes.
- There is a lack of pest control.
- Unhealthy domestic hygiene.
- Since they have flat bodies, they can fit themselves in a small corner.
Signs to Detect Cockroach Infestation:
- You can hear the scurrying of cockroaches at night.
- You can look for the shell casings of the eggs of the cockroaches.
- If you spot a cockroach during a daytime, there are chances of severe infestation.
- Too many cockroaches in the kitchen can cause stomach problems.
- There is a musty and pungent odor in the house.
- The feces of cockroaches look like ground coffee or black pepper.
Natural Ways to Kill Cockroaches:
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- Natural Ways to Kill Cockroaches:
- 1.) Make a Garlic, Pepper, and Onion Solution:
- 2.) Cucumber to Get Rid of Cockroaches:
- 3.) Petroleum Jelly to Kill Cockroaches:
- 4.) Baby Leaves for Cockroaches:
- 5.) Coffee to Get Rid of Cockroaches:
- 6.) Combo of Baking Soda and Sugar:
- 7.) Boric Acid Bait to Kill Cockroaches:
- 8.) Cayenne Pepper to Get Rid of Cockroaches:
1.) Make a Garlic, Pepper, and Onion Solution:
This is one of the most natural ways to kill cockroaches. The substances used in this mixture are not harmful to humans and animals. This method does not cause any environmental damage. The aroma of this mixture will kill the cockroaches. Follow the steps given below to get rid of cockroaches completely.
- Blend one garlic clove and one onion to make a paste.
- Mix one tablespoon of pepper powder.
- Pour one liter of water and mix well.
- Leave this mixture for one hour.
- Add one tablespoon of liquid cleanser.
- Use this mixture on all the spots where these insects visit frequently.
2.) Cucumber to Get Rid of Cockroaches:
This is one of the amazing natural remedies to kill cockroaches. For this method, you need an aluminum container and a medium sized container. Follow the steps given below to get rid of cockroaches completely.
- Take a medium sized aluminum container.
- Keep the slices and peels of cucumber in the aluminum container.
- Place the containers on the spots where cockroaches are seen most.
- Leave it overnight and keep the container open.
- Cucumber pieces react to aluminum. Due to this reaction, a smell is produced which is intolerable for the cockroaches.
- Do this continuously for one week to get rid of the severe infestation.
3.) Petroleum Jelly to Kill Cockroaches:
This is the most simple method to trap and kill cockroaches. You just have to set a trap for your invited guests. For this, you need a glass bottle with a wide mouth and some fruit peels. As you very well know that cockroaches are attracted to poor domestic hygiene. Here the easy steps which you need to follow to catch the cockroaches.
- Apply a layer of petroleum jelly on the inward portion of the glass bottle.
- Keep the peels of mango, banana or apple in this container.
- Place the container in your kitchen area or near your washroom.
- Leave the open container overnight.
- The sweet smell of the peels will attract those tiny creatures.
- The petroleum jelly will trap the cockroaches when they come near the jar.
- Prepare a solution of foamy water.
- Empty the jar full of cockroaches in this solution.
- The foamy water will kill the cockroaches by suffocating them.
4.) Baby Leaves for Cockroaches:
This is one of the cheapest and easiest remedies to kill cockroaches. These fragrant leaves are mainly used in Indian cooking due to which you can find them easily in your kitchen. The smell which is liked by you is the same smell that is loathed by the cockroaches. Follow the steps given below to get rid of cockroaches completely.
- Keep the bay leaves in the sun. Make sure these leaves dry completely.
- Use a grinder to make a fine powder of these leaves.
- Spot the area of the roach infestation.
- The strong smell of the bay leaves will force the cockroaches to leave their nest. Some may even die because of this smell.
5.) Coffee to Get Rid of Cockroaches:
Coffee is one of the best ways to get rid of cockroaches. The reason behind this is the strong aroma of coffee. For preparing this trap you just need a few jar containers and cups of small size. Follow the steps given below to use coffee for getting rid of cockroaches.
- Fill the glass containers partially with water.
- Put a few coffee granules in the small cups.
- Place these cups inside the containers.
- Keep these containers in the areas which they are seen easily. For example, against the wall, or small crevices and corners of the house.
- Cockroaches will enter the container because of that strong aroma.
- Once they enter, it is very difficult for them to escape.
- Check the container daily to see whether the uninvited guests are there or not.
- When a lot of bugs are collected, dispose of them in soapy water.
- Again, repeat the same process to make your house cockroach free.
6.) Combo of Baking Soda and Sugar:
This is one of the safest remedies to kill cockroaches. The reason behind this is that baking soda is not harmful to humans. So if you have kids and pets at home this method is the best for you. The sweet smell of sugar will attract the cockroaches and the baking soda will kill them as it is very hard for the cockroaches to digest baking soda. Follow the steps given below to get rid of cockroaches completely.
- Mix equal amounts of baking soda and sugar.
- Sprinkle this mixture near the spots where cockroaches are most seen.
- The moment the cockroaches will eat this mixture they will die.
7.) Boric Acid Bait to Kill Cockroaches:
This is one of the best methods to execute the cockroaches. For this method, you only require sugar, flour, and boric acid. All the three ingredients are cheap and can be found easily in the market. Infact sugar and flour are present in almost every house. Follow the steps given below to kill cockroaches.
Method 1:
- Mix one part of the white flour and one part of sugar.
- Blend one part of boric acid in this mixture.
- Make a dough batter with this mixture.
- Make small balls using this dough batter.
- Keep these balls in every corner of the house and especially in the areas of severe infestation.
- The flour and sugar in these balls will attract the roaches and the boric acid will kill them.
Method 2:
- Mix 2 parts of white flour and one part of cocoa.
- Blend one part of boric acid.
- Keep this mixture in the areas of severe infestation.
- Use this mixture for atleast two weeks to get rid of cockroaches completely.
Precaution: Keep this mixture away from the pets and children as it is very dangerous.
8.) Cayenne Pepper to Get Rid of Cockroaches:
This is one of the common ingredients that is used in every kitchen to add flavor to the food. Though this is still not clear that whether the strong smells of cayenne pepper kills the cockroaches or the presence of some other substance, but for sure it helps to make your house cockroach free. Follow the steps given below to kill cockroaches.
- Make a paste of garlic clove and white onion.
- Mix one tablespoon of cayenne pepper in this paste.
- Add this prepared mixture in boiling water.
- Boil this again for 20 minutes.
- Strain the liquid and allow it to cool.
- Fill this cayenne liquid in a spray bottle.
- Use this spray in the infested areas.