After writing about how to get bigger lips?, how to get dimples?, and how to lose belly fat in a week?, Here is another interesting article on how to make your butt bigger? When you have a nice body, you get noticed by many. Not everyone wants a bigger butt, but some may be. A well shaped attractive butt looks more amazing in well-fitted jeans than the smaller butt. The Body is beautiful and we have to maintain the beauty of the body. It mostly happens with skinny people and Fat people that they have a desire to make butt bigger, but this can be only possible if you do work out for your body and eat healthy food. Wearing the right pants, doing the right exercise and adjusting your weight can help you in reducing your butt size.
Millions of women are trying to have a bigger butt, but they don’t know proper ways to make butt bigger. If you have tried different exercises, but can’t see any effects so it’s important to alter the exercise. There are lots of important things should keep in mind to make your butt bigger, the most important is dietary intake and exercise you do. Many women tend to opt butt implants, butt implant is an easy way to make butt bigger, but if the process goes wrong it will make you in trouble. People also inject an unnatural substance to make butt bigger, faster and easily. Let me tell you, by injecting that unnatural substance in your may harm your body and damage your body organs, not worth it. If you want to enhance your butt and want to make it more attracted as they are not, You should follow these ways to make your butt bigger.
Most Popular Ways to Make Your Butt Bigger
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- Most Popular Ways to Make Your Butt Bigger
- 1.) A Good Diet to Increase Your Butt Size
- 2.) Exercise to Make Your Butt Bigger
- 3.) Visual Tricks to Enhance Your Butt Size
- 4.) Commercial Products to Make Your Butt Bigger
- 5.) Take Supplements Daily to Get Bigger Butt
- 6.) Plastic Surgery to Increase Butt Size
- 7.) Massage for The Buttocks
- 8.) Wear Butt Lifting Underwear
- 9.) Carbs to Fuel Your Workouts
- 10.) Silicone Butt Implants to Make Your Butt Bigger:
- Other Ways to Make Your Butt Bigger Without Exercise
1.) A Good Diet to Increase Your Butt Size
A good diet is very important for your body. You can make healthy and good looking body if you won’t take a good diet. If you want to reduce weight or gain weight in order to make bigger, but you have to adjust a diet. A good food helps lift your butt. Your diet should give preference to sources of fat, Protein, and carbs.
Fat can boost the production of testosterone and carbs give you the energy to work out. A good diet must have contained the all good things like vegetables, fruits, lean beef, chicken breasts, whole grain, seeds and low-fat dairy. This meal will be consumed throughout the day. Regular eating will give require nutrient to your muscle and that make it easier to consume more calories and raise your energy level
2.) Exercise to Make Your Butt Bigger
For bigger butt, exercise is really important to build your butt muscle. Your butt has 3 major parts- the gluteus maximum, gluteus minimus, and gluteus medius. If you want a bigger butt faster you have to build your butt muscle faster. No doubt the best ways to make your butt is to exercise them daily.
You should add some important exercises which are very effective in building the muscle of butt are-Single leg bridges, Dumbbells, The lunge, Kneeling kickback, Barbell, Plie, Leg raise, Stiff-legs Deadlifts, Crunches with a twist. These exercises will surely help you in building the muscle of butt and reducing the fat of the buttocks. If you are overweight, want to enhance your butt with reducing the fat of the buttock, then it’s not possible without exercise. Exercise is the must. Follow the exercises mentioned below:
Hold a barbell in your hand at the upper part of the back to the shoulders or just carry dumbbells in your hands. Position your legs as apart as your shoulders, hunch down pushing your buttocks back and keeping your knees bowed. Maintain your back in a straight position and your head looking straight when you squat. Bend your knees at 90 degrees, hold it for 10 seconds, then repeat the whole process again.
Stiff-Leg Deadlifts
Stand with your feet below a barbell. Turn down and hold the bar with hands wide open and your palms facing downwards. Carry up the bar from the floor and stand straight. Slightly bent your knees down forward to keep the bar closer to your feet. Keep your back aligned and your head up while performing this. Go downwards touching the floor and then stand up gain repeating the process for 40 reps.
Walking Lunges
Walking lunges focus on the butt more effectively as compared to other lunges because the extension of the hip is involved more in this exercise. Take dumbbells in your hands keeping them by your side make sure you don’t take it more than 5lb if you are a beginner. Take a big step in front of you. While keeping your back straight, lower your knee at the back to reach the floor. The front foot will make 90-degree angle. Then before your back foot reaches the ground, put it off to bring the front foot to meet the other one. Repeat these steps with the alternate foot each time.
3.) Visual Tricks to Enhance Your Butt Size
Yes, Visual tricks can also enhance your buttocks. Wearing the Right pair of jeans can make butt bigger by making it round and perky. From wearing fitted jeans that cut to flatter the backside, you can also wear padded underwear or can put pads to make your butt bigger. While selecting the right jeans you should be aware of these points which can help in enhances your butt.
- Try high waist jeans.
- Wear light color instead of dark color, dark color makes your legs smaller and rear look.
- Wearing low rise jeans with a well-fitted shirt can also give you the illusion of bigger butt.
- Avoid jeans with big pockets and no pockets Select the tight fit jean, loose jeans drown your curve while skinny jeans and jeggings are good options to flaunt your curve.
4.) Commercial Products to Make Your Butt Bigger
There are many commercial products are available in the market to make your butt bigger. You can use these products rather than depend on plastic surgery and butt implants.There are many creams available in the market which can increase the size of the butt without expanding your waist size. These creams are specially made for those people who think the pills can trigger the uncomfortable side effects and can harm the body, so the manufacturer has developed a topical cream which is natural and has no side effects to make your butt bigger.
There is another option available in the market is enhancing pills. Honestly speaking, people abolish these pills generally, but these pills balanced the hormones in order to gain fat in breast, thighs, and butt. But less in abdominal part
5.) Take Supplements Daily to Get Bigger Butt
Supplements have taken the place of skyrockets in the market. It’s not necessary that supplements are made for athletes and health freaks. There are supplements that you can take to get a bigger butt.That sound so good, but yes, this is true, these supplements are natural and help in building of butt muscle and store more fat in your buttocks.
The most effective supplements that pills contain are- Maca root, Saw palmetto, wild yam, soya extract and various protein sources. They help in lose fat from the places, store fat in your buttock and build butt muscle quickly and effectively.
6.) Plastic Surgery to Increase Butt Size
If you are so much stuck with your daily routine, don’t want to change your diet, don’t want to work, not ready to intake the supplements. There is the only option available is to go under the knife for butt enhancement surgery. From butt injection to butt implants, there are many options available in the market for butt enhancement. Here are two surgeries to make your butt bigger.
- Brazilian Butt Surgery: In this kind of surgery, fat is extracted from the fatty areas of the body such as stomach and thighs. This fat is purified and injected into the gluteus muscle. For this method, you need to have extra fat in your body.
- Butt Injection: In this the surgeon injects substances like hydrogel, silicon and PMMA to make the butts look bigger.
It’s costly and more importantly, it can be dangerous. Butt enhancement surgery usually had some serious potential side effects like bleeding, severe pain, injection, respiratory issue and even death. If you go in this procedure, You must be aware of risk, effects and only choose a licensed surgeon.
7.) Massage for The Buttocks
A great lymphatic massage on the buttocks can reshape your buttocks and improve blood circulation of the area. Mix the massage with an algae wrap to control cellulite. This massage will work on the deep tissues at your back and rejuvenate your cells, giving you big curves and making the skin glow on your buttocks.
8.) Wear Butt Lifting Underwear
There are different undergarments available in the market that are specially designed to draw your butt up and make it look perkier and fuller like a push-up bra for your bottom. They are available both with and without padded and can be worn under any dresses, pants, and shorts. Some dresses extend up to your waist, pushing your waist in to help accentuate your butt even more.
9.) Carbs to Fuel Your Workouts
There are good and bad carbohydrates. Good or healthy, carbs are the one made with natural grains and power packed with vitamins and minerals that can help you get a bigger butt. According to the Mayo Clinic, simple carbs such as beans and whole grains, legumes are the most nutritious foods available. Go for whole wheat breads instead of white. Potatoes are also a good source of potassium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B6. Legumes are another great carbs for getting a bigger butt, as they are a great source of protein.
10.) Silicone Butt Implants to Make Your Butt Bigger:
This is a kind of surgery in which the surgeon inserts silicon implants on the top of the but by making a small incision on the butt. The surgeon seals the incision afterwards. These silicon implants will make your butt looks plumper and bigger. This is an ideal method for women who are very skinny and are unable to gain weight through diet and supplements. It is little costly but the results are worth the cost.
Other Ways to Make Your Butt Bigger Without Exercise
1.) Heels
Wearing high heels helps in giving perkier and firmer shape. It also helps in giving arch in the lower back. You will find it interesting, that the footwear also help in giving shape to the body. Heels not only make your butt look bigger but also heavier.
2.) Girdle
It’s the easiest way to make your butt bigger comparatively to your body. You also give a try and wear girdles. It pushes the excess fat in the abdominal area, it sucks the tummy and making the butt bigger plus there is another advantage that you can wear a girdle all the time.
3.) Getting a Smaller Waist
When your waist size looks smaller then automatically your butt looks bigger. If you are overweight or you have excess fat in the abdominal area, try to reduce that fat, which enhances your butt shape and make your butt bigger. Smaller waist wider the hips seems to be. They become round and bigger. You should consider some waist exercise to make your butt bigger like crunches, belly dancing, jogging and twist crunches.
Other Useful Tips:
While proceeding with any of the procedure you must be aware of these things:
- Right poses in the exercises.
- Use fish oil as it has a wonderful affect on the muscles. It is rich in omega 3 and makes the butt plumper.
- Avoid fried foods otherwise you will put on weight everywhere.
- Try some yoga postures after workout to improve muscle strength.
- Quality and quantity of the product to make your butt bigger
- Read the labels before purchase.
- Must be aware of advantage and disadvantage of products.
- Consult a licensed surgeon before any surgery
- Try to make your butt bigger naturally.