When you touch something hot or you burn yourself while cooking the first thing you want to do is soothe the pain and prevent the formation of blisters. But due to that burning sensation you are not able to think. So this a perfect article for you as we are sharing some easy home remedies for burns. So the next when you burn yourself, you will have an abundance of ideas to treat the burns.
Burns can be of three kinds depending upon their severity. The first one is the minor burn, which only damages the top layer of the skin. It makes the affected area red and painful. The next one is a second-degree burn in which the epidermis and dermis layers are damaged. This type of burn causes blisters and brings a lot of discomforts. The last one is the third-degree burn in which all the skin layers are damaged and it needs immediate medical care.
Types of Burns:
- Heat Burns: These are very common, especially the scald burns caused by hot liquids. It caused by fire and you can burn yourself while cooking or curling your hair.
- Electrical Burns: If you come in contact with any external sources of lightning, then you may become a victim of electrical burns.
- Friction Burns: When you fall on a hard surface like a road or playground, then you could be a victim of heat burns.
- Chemical Burns: Any kind of chemical in the house such as acids can cause chemical burns.
- Radiation Burns: Sun and tanning booths are the common causes of this kind of burn. It can also be caused by the radiation used in cancer treatment.
Home Remedies for Burns:
Contents [hide]
- Home Remedies for Burns:
- 1. Aloe Vera for Burns:
- 2. Yogurt to Treat Burns:
- 3. Honey to Reduce Burns:
- 4. Onion for Burns:
- 5. Milk to Treat Burns:
- 6. Potatoes to Cure Burns:
- 7. Oatmeal for Minor Burns:
- 8. Banana for Burns:
- 9. Black Tea Bags to Treat Burns:
- 10. Combo of Coconut Oil and Lemon:
- 11. Vinegar for Burns:
- 12. Plantain Leaves to Cure Burns:
1. Aloe Vera for Burns:
The cooling properties of Aloe Vera will soothe the burn and hence reduce the pain. The polyphenols in Aloe Vera will prevent the affected area from infection. It is also loaded with healing and astringent properties. This is one of the best remedies for burns.
Directions to Use:
- Wash an Aloe Vera leaf.
- Peel the leaf and extract the juice from it.
- Apply the juice on the burn.
- Leave it for about 30 minutes.
- Do this on a regular basis to reduce burns.
2. Yogurt to Treat Burns:
This is among the best remedies for burns as it minimizes the pain due to its cooling effects. Plain yogurt promotes healing and makes the skin supple and hydrated.
Directions to Use:
- Take a bowl of plain yogurt.
- Apply a thick layer of yogurt on the burn.
- Leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Wash the area with cold water.
- Repeat the remedy several times a day for burns.
3. Honey to Reduce Burns:
We all know that the dressing which is used for burn wounds contain silver which promotes healing. We are discussing it here because the antibacterial and antiseptic properties of honey help heal the burn more quickly than silver. It is 100% natural and has no toxic effect on the skin. It reduces the pain and prevents the affected area from infection.
Directions to Use:
- Apply a thick layer of honey on the burn.
- Cover the area with a soft cloth.
- Let it stay for a few hours.
- Wash the area with cold water.
- Again, repeat the same process.
- Repeat the process several times a day to treat burns.
4. Onion for Burns:
This is among the best remedies for burns as it helps to soothe scalds and relieve pain. The antiseptic nature of onion reduces the risk of infection in the affected area. It promotes recovery and calms the burn. It quercetin and sulfur compounds which help in reducing pain.
Directions to Use:
- Grate an onion in a blender.
- Extract the juice from the onion.
- Apply the juice of a fresh onion on the burn.
- Leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Do this several times a day to reduce burns.
5. Milk to Treat Burns:
Milk contains fats and proteins that help to soothe burns and reduces pain and inflammation. It promotes quick healing. Milk works as a soothing agent that prevents the burning sensation. This is among the best remedies for burns.
Directions to Use:
- Take a clean and soft cloth.
- Soak it in a bowl of milk.
- Wrap the cloth around the burn.
- Leave it for about 3 hours.
- Replace it with a new cloth.
- After 24 hours, wash the area with soap and water.
6. Potatoes to Cure Burns:
This is one of the best home remedies for burns. It has soothing properties that reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. The anti-irritant properties of potato prevent the burn from infection and reduce the chances of blister formation.
Directions to Use:
- Take a fresh potato.
- Cut it into thick slices.
- Rub the potato slice on the affected area.
- You should rub it immediately.
- Use this remedy whenever required.
7. Oatmeal for Minor Burns:
This is one of the best home remedies for burns. A burn is always accompanied by swelling, pain, inflammation and most importantly itching. Scratching the burn can make it worse, leaving behind the scars. Oatmeal helps to prevent the itching that is caused during the healing process.
Directions to Use:
- Add one cup of uncooked oatmeal to a bucket of water.
- Soak yourself in this water.
- Do this for about 15 to 20 minutes.
- Let it dry on its own.
- Do this on a regular basis to cure burns.
8. Banana for Burns:
The lutein present in the banana peel helps to reduce the swelling, pain and inflammation due to its anti-oxidant nature. This is one of the best remedies for burns.
Directions to Use:
- Take a fresh banana and peel it.
- Place the inside of the peel on the burn.
- Let it stay until it turns black.
- Replace the peel with the new one.
- Continue the process for better results.
9. Black Tea Bags to Treat Burns:
This is one of the best remedies for burns. The tannic acid present in black tea bags helps in reducing pain and inflammation by drawing out the heat from the burns. This is a cheap and easy method to treat burns. Next time when you burn yourself place some chilled tea bags on the burn instantly.
Directions to Use:
Follow the steps below:
Method 1:
- Take a pot of boiling water.
- Add 3 black tea bags and 2 cups of mint.
- Mix the liquid properly.
- Allow it to steep for the next 15 minutes.
- Strain the liquid and store it in a glass bottle.
- Soak a cotton ball in the liquid.
- Dab it directly on the burn.
- Repeat the remedy several times a day.
Method 2:
- Take a cup of ice water.
- Add 2 black tea bags.
- Allow it to steep for a few minutes.
- Dab the chilled tea bags on the affected area.
- Cover the area with a cloth.
- Do this 3 to 4 times a day to get quick relief.
10. Combo of Coconut Oil and Lemon:
Coconut oil helps in healing the burn fast and reduces the scars. It is said that if the blood flow is good, then a burn heals faster. Coconut oil increases the blood flow and keeps the skin moisturized. It has soothing properties which reduce pain and inflammation. The acidic properties of lemon will lighten the scars.
Directions to Use:
- Take a cup of coconut oil.
- Add lemon juice to it.
- Soak a cotton ball in the cup.
- Dab it on the affected area.
- Repeat the remedy several times a day to facilitate healing.
11. Vinegar for Burns:
Vinegar has the ability to kill pathogens and prevent infection because of its astringent and antiseptic properties. It reduces the damage of alkaline burns and hence kills the pain. It reduces the swelling and neutralizes the sting of the minor burns. This is among the best home remedies for burns as it helps in quick healing.
Directions to Use:
- Take half cup of water.
- Add half cup of vinegar to it.
- Soak a cloth in this solution.
- Wrap it around the burn.
- Change the cloth in every 3 hours.
- Do this continuously until you get relief.
12. Plantain Leaves to Cure Burns:
Plantain leaves are one of the best remedies for burns as the cooling properties of plantain will soothe the affected area. It is also well known to stop the bleeding if the burn is too bad. Plantain is also a good choice for other skin problems such as rashes, bites, and cuts as it reduces pain and inflammation. It is a quick healer and leaves no scars.
Directions to Use:
- Crush some fresh plantain leaves. You can grate them in a blender.
- Extract the juice from the plantain leaves.
- Rub the juice on the affected area.
- Do this several times a day.