‘Your nails speak your style without saying a word’. Fake nails also known as artificial nails add beauty to your hands. You can hide your ugly nails by wearing these fake nails. They look natural and are a good choice to cover the defected nails. For glamorous nails, you spend thousands of bucks in saloons. But as you know nothing last forever and the same applies on the fake nails. For removing your fake nails you need to spend thousand of bucks again. But don’t worry, this article will save your thousand bucks by suggesting you some easy ways to remove fake nails at home.
Types of Fake Nails:
- Acrylic Nails: These are the most popular nails that are easily available in beauty parlors. Acrylic nails are durable and long lasting. You can get acrylic nails of any shape, size and length. The only disadvantage of acrylic nails is that it can cause fungal infection and damage the natural nail.
- Wraps: This type of fake nail is used to repair broken nails. Wraps are used as extensions to strengthen nails tips. The plus point of wraps is that they do not damage the real nails and do not require much care.
- Gel Nails: These are the most natural looking fake nails and do not cause any damage to the natural nail. These nails give a shiny look and are attached to the real nail with the help of an ultraviolet lamp.
- Persons: Though they are cheap and easy to apply, but they last for a short time. They come in a variety of shapes and colors and are attached to the real nails by a two sided tape.
Easy Ways to Remove Fake Nails:
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There are different ways given below to remove fake nails easily and safely at home. Try what suits you best:
1. Acetone to Remove Fake Nails:
Follow the steps given below:
Steps to Follow:
- With the help of a nail clipper cut the fake nails as short as possible. This is because it is easier to remove short fake nails.
- Now with the help of a nail filer remove the shiny coat of fake nails. Don’t go too deep otherwise, you will damage your nail bed. This is done so that the acetone can work more effectively.
- Since acetone is very dry, it is necessary to moisturize the cuticles. For this, you can apply petroleum jelly around your cuticles.
- Fill a large bowl with pure acetone. Dip your nails and tips of fingers in this large bowl.
- Let your fingers stay in the acetone for at least 25 to 30 minutes. Pure acetone will loosen the glue that binds the fake nails with the real nails.
- The fake nails will get lifted up due to which they will come out easily. If you notice that they have not lifted up, then wrap cotton balls around them and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Now use your other hand to peel off the fake nails. It will not be difficult for you because the acetone has already weakened the bond.
- If you feel that it is not coming out then soak your nails again for 15 to 20 minutes in pure acetone.
- You can also use an Orangewood stick to scrape the fake nails. These have a sharp and pointed end due to which the fake nails come out. You can purchase it from the nearby medical store.
- Use a moisturizing soap to wash your hands. This is done in order to remove the acetone and petroleum jelly from the nail cuticle.
- With the help of a nail buffer remove the glue that is left on the real nails. Use the buffer until your nails become smooth.
- Pure acetone is very dry due to which your hands will become dry. Use olive oil or a good moisturizer to regain the natural moisture.
Note: Pure acetone will help you to remove fake nails at an affordable price. But one thing that you need to remember is that it is very abrasive and a strong chemical that can make your skin very dry. So apply a thick layer of Vaseline before you soak your nails and fingertips in acetone.
2. Dental Floss to Take Off Fake Nails:
Follow the steps given below:
Steps to Follow:
- For this method, you require one more person for help. If you do this method alone it will be a lot more difficult for you.
- Scrape up the bottom edge of the fake nail with the help of an Orangewood stick. You can do this by putting the Orangewood stick at the bottom of the fake nails.
- Ask another person to slide the dental floss under the edge of the fake nail. You have to enter the dental floss in the space between the fake nail and the real nail.
- Now with the help of dental floss pull the nail gently and slowly. Move the dental floss in back and forth direction.
- Do this in a sawing motion so that it becomes easy to remove the fake nail.
- Don’t be too harsh on it as it can cause serious damage to your real nail.
- Do this same thing with all the other nails.
- When you will remove fake nails then it is obvious that there will be some scratches on your real nail. Use a nail buffer to make your nails smooth.
- You can also smooth your nails by applying a good moisturizer.
Note: This is one of the easiest and time-saving method.
3. Warm Water for Removing Fake Nails:
Follow the steps given below:
Steps to Follow:
- Cut your fake nails as short as possible with a nail clipper. It is much easier to remove short fake nails.
- Take a large bowl filled with warm water. The water should be warm enough otherwise, it will not be effective.
- Start this method with one hand.
- Soak the nails and fingertips of one hand in warm water.
- Let them stay in the warm water for atleast 5 to 10 minutes.
- Warm water will make the fake nails soft due to which it will become easy to remove them.
- Use your other hand to peel off the fake nails. While peeling off the fake nails keep your fingers soaked.
- You can also use an Orangewood stick to pry off the fake nails.
- Once the fake nails come out use a nail buffer to smooth the real nail.
- Apply a good moisturizer to nourish the cuticles of your nails and make your nails naturally smooth and shiny.
- Repeat the same process with the nails of the other hand.
Tips: This is a safe method as you are not using acetone. Pure acetone is a strong chemical and is very abrasive due to which skin gets very dry.
4. Nail Kit to Remove Fake Nails:
Follow the steps given below:
Steps to Follow:
- Buy a fake nail removal kit from the nearby drug store. This is a good method as the nail polish remover used in this kit are free of acetone and are of a good quality due to which the fake nails come out easily.
- This kit contains everything that is necessary to remove fake nails, such as acetone, nail polish remover, nail filer, nail buffer, cotton balls and a good moisturizing cream.
- Keep a lot of paper towels to wipe your hands while you are removing the fake nails.
- Don’t forget to apply petroleum jelly to keep your nail cuticle protected.
5. Aluminium Foil for Removing Fake Nails:
Follow the steps given below:
Steps to Follow:
- The first step is to cut your fake nails short with the help of a nail clipper.
- Soak atleast 10 cotton balls in nail polish remover. There should be one cotton ball for each finger.
- Remove the fake nails of one hand at a time.
- Cover your nails with those soaked cotton balls.
- Cut an aluminum foil is square pieces. The size of the aluminum foil should be such that your fingers are covered properly. If you don’t have aluminum foil at home then you can buy it from the nearby store.
- Wrap the aluminum foil around your nails.
- Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. The fake nails will be removed automatically.
- Wash your hands with moisturizing soap and water to remove the traces of fake nails.
- Apply olive oil or a good moisturizer to regain the natural moisture.
- Repeat the same process with the other set of nails.
Precaution: While doing this process, you need to be very careful. Follow each step so that you do not harm your natural nail. Try to use an acetone-free nail polish remover to keep your nails healthy.