How to Remove Hickies?

After writing articles on how to hide a hickey?, how to get rid of bruises?, how to get rid of spider veins?, Here comes our next article on how to remove hickies? It’s common to see people with hickies. Having a visible hickey on your neck means, all the stares and giggle on you. Some peoples find it very proud and some feel very embarrassing. For those who feel very embarrassing, there are many ways to hide and remove hickies naturally. Read the whole article and get the tips and tricks to remove hickies. It is not difficult to remove or hide the love bites.

What are Hickies?

Hickies are known as love bites or love kiss. They are kind of bruises that appears by from the sucking and kissing too aggressively on the skin. While giving a hickey the blood vessels known as capillaries are broken and blood comes out into the surrounding tissues. They are red in color and turns into dark purple or yellow or brown by the time.

(A) Simple Tips to Remove Hickies

1.) Use The Cold Steel Spoon

A cold spoon can be very useful to remove hickey marks. Strange, but true. It reduces the swelling caused by the sucking or kissing. It is only possible with a cold one. The ice will help to reduce the blood ooze in the vessels in the skin.

Directions to Use:

  • Place a steel spoon into the freezer for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Now place the outer side of the cold spoon on the hickey mark.
  • Repeat this trick a few times a day to remove hickies.

2.) Vitamin K to Remove Hickies

Vitamin K can also be utilized to get rid of a hickey. It helps to prevent blood clot formation. Consume food rich in Vitamin K or apply a cream rich in vitamin K.

Directions to Use:

  • Apply a cream which is rich in vitamin K on the affected area.
  • Else, eat foods rich in vitamin K.
  • You can also consume Vitamin K supplement which is the easiest way to get Vitamin K.

how to remove hickies

3.) Cold Compress to Remove Hickies

Using a cold compress to remove hickies is a proven method. This trick will work well to cure hickey marks. Ice freeze the blood vessels. It breaks the blood clot by freeing vessels. Applying cold compress will reduce the size of a hickey fast.

Directions to Use:

  • Take an ice cube and wrap it in the cloth.
  • Place this compress on the affected area and see the visible results.

4.) Aloe Vera to Remove Hickies

Aloe Vera repairs the damage of blood capillaries caused by sucking. That’s why it is one of the best remedies to remove hickies. It provides the soothing feelings and reduces the sensitivity of the affected area. Later, you can read Aloe Vera juice benefits.

Directions for Use:

  • Get some fresh aloe vera gel.
  • Apply the gel on the hickey.
  • Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse it with clean water.

5.) Use Alcohol to Cure Hickeys

Alcohol can be also utilized to get rid of hickey marks. It reduces the swelling and discomfort caused by sucking the skin. So applying alcohol on the affected area is one of the best treatment to cure hickeys. Applying alcohol may cause dryness to your skin. Ensure that you apply moisturizer after rubbing alcohol.

Directions for Use:

  • Take a teaspoon of alcohol.
  • Dab a cotton ball in it and start rubbing on the affected area.

6.) Banana Peel to Remove Hickies

Banana peels are very effective to remove hickeys fast. It eases the hickey by curing it. With its cooling properties, it can minimize the hickey.

Directions to Use:

  • Peel off a banana according to your hickey size.
  • Put the inner side of a banana peel on the hickey.
  • Leave it for 10 to 30 minutes to reduce the hickey marks
  • Repeat this a few times a day to get rid of a hickey.

7.) Peppermint to Cure Hickey

Peppermint is also very effective remedies to get rid of hickies. It helps to cure blood clotting caused by sucking. It activates the blood circulations which help to remove hickey fast. Peppermint application on hickey can minimize the blood clot and block the formation of hickey marks from appearing.

Directions for Use:

  • Add a few some drops of peppermint on a bandage.
  • Cover it around the hickey to cure hickey.

8.) Orange to Remove Hickies

Orange are the richest source of vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to repair skin with its essential oil nutrients which are good for the body. It is full of properties to cure hickey. So try to drink orange juice just after you get hickey can cure hickey very fast.

Directions for Use:

  • Take fresh oranges and make a glass of juice in a juicer.
  • Drink this fresh glass of juice.
  • Or you can also consume vitamin C supplements twice or thrice a day in order to get rid of a hickey fast.

9.) Use Concealer to Cure Hickey

Hiding is not a big deal. Use your concealer to hide your hickey marks. This trick can be a life-saving heck to cover hickey. Apply concealer on the hickey marks. Apply a concealer according to the color of a hickey. If your hickey is dark red in the color use the green color of concealer, yellow for purple colored hickey or if it is turning yellow then utilize peach color. If you don’t use foundation instead of concealer.

10.) Cocoa Butter to Remove Hickies

Cocoa butter is a very good moisturizer. It has the properties to cure bruises. Cocoa butter improves the development of new skin cells. Moisturizing your skin with cocoa butter is also very effective way to remove hickies.

Directions for Use:

  • First of all, apply a warm compress to warm the hickey.
  • Now gently apply some cocoa butter on the hickey.
  • Massage for at least 10 to 15 minutes daily.
  • Massage with cocoa butter will improve the blood circulation. Thereby, remove hickies.

11.) Coin Method to Treat Hickey

Using a coin to reduce the hickey can be a very effective trick to remove hickies. But this method may be a little difficult.

Directions for Use:.

  • Take a coin and use the edge of the coin to perform this method.
  • Apply back force by using your two fingers on the skin on all sides of the hickey and stretch to a level.
  • This trick can divide and push the blood around from the hickey. Doing this will make your hickey dull and simply just vanish it.

12.) Aspirin to Remove Hickies

Aspirin can also be used to get rid of a hickey. Sounds weird but true. It helps to treat hickey very effectively, but it needs to be used right after you get this or within the 48 everybody knows aspirin has the ability to lighten the blood, hence it cures the hickey.

13.) Tea Bag to Cure Hickey

Tea bags can also be used to get rid of hickey marks. It can be applied as a hot compress on the skin. The warm tea bag is good for this method. Tea has the properties which make it very good to recover the dead skin.

Directions to Use:

  • Take a tea bag and dip into the warm water to make a tea.
  • Let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Use the tea bag as a compressor.
  • Put this on the hickey and leave it there for a few minutes.
  • Repeat this trick at least 2-3 times a day to cure hickey.

14.) Toothpaste to Remove Hickies

Using toothpaste can be very effective to get rid of a hickey. The fluoride present in toothpaste helps increase the blood flow and break down the blood clots in order to cure hickey fast. It might give you a tingling sensation but is very effective.

15.) Comb to Remove Hickey Marks

Massaging hickey with comb can also be very effective. You need to use the comb teeth to massage hickey and get rid of hickey. This method is very beneficial as it disperses off the blood. When you will massage the area with the fingers of the comb the blood will be forced into the vessels and hence your hickey will heal fast.

(B) Two Best Tips to Hide a Hickey:

Accessories to Hide a Hickey:

This is probably one of the best things to do to hide your hickey. You can wear ethnic pieces of jewelry. It will not only cover up your hickey but will also give you a super hot look. You can even wear a cute scarf. A scarf goes well with every outfit and no one will be able to guess that you are hiding something.

Follow a Makeup Routine to Cover Up a Hickey:

You need to follow a proper makeup routine. Start with applying a makeup primer. It will help the makeup to stay over the area for a longer period of time. After that choose a yellow toned concealer and pat it on the hickey. This type of concealer cancels out the bluish purple color of the hickey. Apply your normal foundation on the hickey to and blend it with the skin to hide the lines of demarcation. Set your makeup with a loose powder that is water and sweat resistant.