Everybody wants to look beautiful and everybody wants a spotless and flawless skin, nobody likes scars because they are irritating and looks bad on the skin. A flawless skin or body is a dream of every person whether its a girl or boy. Where we are facing so many skin problems like pimples, acne, moles, stretch marks and etc. there is one more problem we face generally and that is; skin tag. Yes, a skin tag is also a big problem which people are facing because it looks very bad. So we have got some natural treatments to remove skin tag fast at home without any expensive surgeries or medical treatments.
What are Skin Tags?
Skin tags basically small, loose skin growth. It is also known as acrochordon. It can appear on neck, eyelids, armpits, chest, under the breast and groin. They generally form when skin rubs against skin. They look like small skin hanging on the skin.
Why Skin Tags Appear?
People who have diabetes or who are overweight or those who are overweight and have diabetes generally get skin tags. Especially overweight people easily get skin tag because of the friction of rubbing skin against skin.
How Do They Appear?
The friction created by rubbing skin against skin. They also appear because of heredity, hormone imbalance, excessive use of steroid, due to rupture by clothes and jewelry, scratches by shaving and hormone changing during the pregnancy. Skin tags are harmless, but can be irritating.
Home Remedies for Skin Tags Removal
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- Home Remedies for Skin Tags Removal
- 1.) Garlic to Remove Skin Tag
- 2.) Tea Tree Oil to Remove Skin Tag
- 3.) Apple Cider Vinegar as Skin Tag Removal
- 4.) Ice Cubes to Get Rid of Skin Tags
- 5.) Banana Peel to Remove Skin Tag
- 6.) Cinnamon Powder to Get Rid of Skin Tags
- 7.) Onion Juice to Get Rid of Skin Tags
- 8.) Baking Soda to Remove Skin Tag
- 9.) Aspirin to Vanish Skin Tags
- 10.) Castor oil and Baking Soda to Remove Skin Tag
- 11.) Potato to Remove Skin tag
- 12.) Pineapple Juice to Get Rid of Skin Tags
- 13.) Thread to Remove Skin tag
1.) Garlic to Remove Skin Tag
Garlic contains acid, which can easily remove skin tags. It has the properties like anti-fungal, antibiotic and antiseptic which can prevent from various skin problems and also with skin tags.
Directions: –
- Take a clove of garlic and peel it off. Now cut it from the middle.
- Now rub it on skin tags directly. (Before applying it on skin tags once try it on your hand or arm if there is no irritation in your skin then apply it on skin tags).
- Apply it daily. Gradually skin tags will shrink and skin tags will fall off.
2.) Tea Tree Oil to Remove Skin Tag
Tea tree oil dries the skin tags and causes them to come off. It is good for acne, scars, fungal infection and etc. The nature of tea tree oil is acidic and it works as a natural antiseptic.
Directions: –
- Apply tea tree oil and let it stay for a while.
- Repeat it three times in a day and skin tags will fall off gradually. You will result in 15 days.
3.) Apple Cider Vinegar as Skin Tag Removal
Apple cider vinegar can remove various types of skin problem. It dries and shrinks the skin tag so you can easily remove skin tag. It will also remove the scars.
Directions: –
- Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature.
- First of all, wash the skin tags affected area with lukewarm water.
- When you feel your skin gets soften, take a cotton ball dip it into apple cider vinegar and apply it on the affected area.
- Apply apple cider vinegar daily. You will see the results in one or two weeks.
4.) Ice Cubes to Get Rid of Skin Tags
Ice cubes numb the skin so that when you will cut the skin tag you’ll not feel the pain.
Directions: –
- Take an ice cube and put it on the skin tag. The ice cube will numb the area affected with skin tags
- Now you can cut skin tags with thread or scissors. It might be bleeding, but you don’t need to worry.
- Now apply an antiseptic or salt to cure it faster.
5.) Banana Peel to Remove Skin Tag
The banana peels contain an enzyme which helps in dissolving the extra skin/ skin tags. It contains Vitamin E and C which removes the scars, moisturize skin and provide the glow.
Directions: –
- Take a banana peel it off and eat it because it’s good for health and it’s not cool to waste it.
- Now take a small piece of banana peel
- Wrap it in skin tag affected an area with the help of a bandage or cloth. Leave it in overnight
- In the morning, unwrap the skin tag and wash it.
- Repeat the procedure for a week and in a week or two skin tags will fall off
6.) Cinnamon Powder to Get Rid of Skin Tags
An amazing thing about cinnamon is that it can be used in different ways as if oil, powder, and a mask. Cinnamon provides the nutrition to the skin and it also good for hair. It has the properties such as antibiotic, antiseptic, antiparasitic and etc.
Cardamom improves the quality of skin and has the healing properties in minimum time. It is an antioxidant herb.
Directions: –
- Heat the pan and add 2 teaspoons of sesame oil.
- Now add half teaspoon oil, cinnamon powder.
- Now add half teaspoon of cardamom powder and stir well.
- Gently massage this oil on your skin tags and let it stay for a few hours.
- Repeat this several times in a week till the skin tags vanish.
7.) Onion Juice to Get Rid of Skin Tags
Onion contains sulphur compounds that can treat skin problems such as pimples, acne, scars, skin tags, etc.
Directions: –
- Take an onion and cut it into small pieces.
- Now add half teaspoon of salt and mix well.
- Leave it till onion pieces observe the salt.
- Now extract the juice of the salty onion piece.
- Apply the juice of onion on skin tags affected areas and cover it with a medical tape. (Not with cloth) and leave it in overnight.
- In the morning unwrap the bandage or medical tape and wash skin tag affected area with lukewarm water.
- Repeat this process for one week and you will see the results.
8.) Baking Soda to Remove Skin Tag
Baking soda dries the skin because it contains acid so that skin tags easily fall off. It also has mild anti-inflammatory properties.
Directions: –
- Take a sufficient amount of baking soda and add some water.
- Make a paste of baking soda and water finely.
- Apply it on skin tags and massage gently.
- Repeat this method until the skin tags come out.
- If the skin irritates, then do not use this method.
9.) Aspirin to Vanish Skin Tags
Directions: –
- Take an aspirin tablet and crush it into a powder.
- Apply the powder on skin tags and cover with the tape and leave it in overnight.
- In the morning, skin tags will get dry.
- Apply it daily and in three days skin tags will fall off.
10.) Castor oil and Baking Soda to Remove Skin Tag
Castor oil has the properties such as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, which are good for the skin and also cure skin problems. On the other side baking soda also has mild anti-inflammatory properties.
Directions: –
- Take 2 teaspoons of castor oil.
- Now add a teaspoon of baking soda. Now stir it well.
- Apply the mixture on the skin tags affected area and cover with the bandage and leave it overnight and wash it in the morning with warm water.
- Use this method three times in a week for better results and the skin tags will drop off.
11.) Potato to Remove Skin tag
Potatoes contain carbohydrates and vitamin C which is good for health and skin also. Potato also lightens the scars and marks of the skin.
Directions: –
- Take a potato and cut it into slices. Rub it on skin tags affected area or you can just extract the juice of potatoes and apply on skin tags.
- Now take a bandage and cover the affected area and leave it in overnight.
- In the morning, wash the affected area with warm water.
- Do this until you get rid of skin tags. The skin tags will drop off easily.
12.) Pineapple Juice to Get Rid of Skin Tags
Pineapple has vitamin C and it has nutrients also, which are good for the skin. It provides the glow to the skin and works excellent for sensitive skin.
Directions: –
- Take a pineapple and extract the juice with the help of a juicer.
- Apply pineapple juice several times in a day. You will see the results in a few days.
- Apply these home remedies at home and you will definitely get very good results in very soon. These home remedies are also good for other skin problems like scars, wrinkles, pimples, dark skin, etc.
13.) Thread to Remove Skin tag
Directions: –
- Take a thread tie it around the skin tag and leave it for some days.
- In two or three days skin tag will come out.
- This can be a little painful, but it is an effective way to cure skin tags.