In this article, we will be talking about the remedies to stop nose bleeding, but let’s first get to know why does it occur. Nose bleeding can be dramatic and frightening at the same. You will be relaxed to know that not all the nose bleeding cases are serious and the treatment is very easy as compared to other disorders.
Categories of Nose Bleeding
It is categorized into two types depending upon whether the path of the bleeding, i.e. : Anterior (front of the nose) and Posterior (back of the nose).
- Anterior- This type of nose bleeding are almost 90% of the total cases where bleeding usually comes from the blood vessel that is present in the front of the nose. These cases are easy to control, either with the help of a doctor or by some basic DIYs.
- Posterior- The cases that rarely occur in a few patients only, but are most often in adults or elderly people. The bleeding in these cases comes from an artery that is present at the back of the nose. These cases are complicated in nature and, usually need strict medical guidance or help of a Otolaryngologist (A doctor, specialized in the treatments for Ear, nose, and throat) also referred as an ENT Doctor in simple terms.
Nose bleeding mostly occur during winters and in cold or dry climatic conditions. They can affect people of any age but, the most common age groups are from 2-10 for children and 50-80 for elderly patients.
Signs and Symptoms of Nose Bleeding
- Nose bleeding usually occurs from one nostril, but if the bleeding is heavy enough, then it can start from both the nostrils. This is due to overflow when either of the nostril is blocked due to the deposition of blood and it sometimes also overflows within the Nasopharynx i.e. the area inside the nose where the two nostrils merge.
- Some symptoms of nose bleeding include dizziness due to excessive loss of blood, light headedness, fainting, and confusion.
- It also leads to additional bleeding from other parts of the body, like from teeth and gums while brushing, blood in the urine or during bowel movements.
- Easy bruising on different parts of the body is also a sign of the inability of the blood to clot.
Causes of Nose Bleeding
- The most common among all causes is Trauma. Sometimes trauma triggers the nose leading to bleeding. The worn trauma is defined as, a blow to the face or nose picking. Repeated irritation during cold infection can also cause bleeding inside the nose.
- The very less common cause is the blood’s inability to clot. It happens when the blood becomes thinner than the normal consistency and this is due to some blood-thinning drugs available in the market. Those are prescribed for various other diseases but, affects your blood by making it thinner.
- Drugs like Warfarin, Aspirin and Coumadin are some of the blood thinners.
- Sometimes an infection in the liver can also cause the inability of blood clotting.
- Abnormal functioning of blood vessels and cancer in the nose is among a few rare cases of nose bleeding.
- The risk of High Blood Pressure also contributes to nose bleeding but, is never the sole reason.
Home Remedies to Stop Nose Bleeding
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1.) Cold Compress to Ease The Pain
The cold compress is a common remedy to stop nose bleeding and ease the pain if any. Cold temperature causes the blood vessels to contract and thus the slowing down the flow of blood. This helps to stop nose bleeding within a few minutes.
- Wrap a few cubes of ice in a towel or handkerchief
- Sit in a straight and upright position with your back perpendicular to your waist.
- Now tilt your head backward
- Gently apply the ice pack across the bridge of your nose for at least 5-10 minutes.
- Repeat this procedure as required.
NOTE- Do not apply the ice cubes directly to your nose
2.) Cayenne Helps to Stop Bleeding
Another effective remedy for your nose to stop bleeding is Cayenne. It works by stimulating the cells and regulating the flow of blood. It helps in removing pressure from the hemorrhaging area and allows quick coagulation. Thus helping to stop nose bleeding.
- Add a teaspoon of cayenne powder to a cup of lukewarm water and sip it. You will see the bleeding stopped within a few minutes.
- Those who suffer from concurrent nose bleeding can opt for Cayenne Capsules that are available in the market or drug stores.
- These are prescribed medicines so do consult a doctor before purchasing.
- You can also use cayenne to spice your foods.
3.) Onion: A Good Clotting Agent
Onion has always been an easily available natural remedy to cure many diseases and disorders. It is highly effective in clotting the blood as the fumes of sulfur present in onions does the work, this helping to stop nose bleeding.
- Cut a fresh slice of onion and place it under your nose. Slowly inhale the fumes, you will see the bleeding stops within minutes.
- Also, you can use onion juice and put 2-3 drops of it in your nose. Repeat the procedure as required.
4.) Saline Water To Stop Bleeding
Dryness caused due to the cold weather in the nasal membranes is one of the most common reasons for nose bleeding. Saline water moisturizes the nasal membranes and help to stop nose bleeding.
- Add a pinch of common salt to a half cup of water and stir it well.
- Use this as a nose drop to moisten the inner lining of your nose.
- Saline Nasal sprays are also available at the drugstores for you to buy them and use.
5.) Coriander: A Natural Antihistamine
Coriander is highly recommended by Ayurveda for the patients suffering from nose bleeding. As it is a natural antihistamine, it helps in curing allergies that cause infection and stop nose bleeding.
- Use coriander oil or fresh coriander juice as nose drops. This can help stop the bleeding.
- Prepare a paste of coriander leaves and apply it to your forehead.
- It will give a cooling effect and this will stop the bleeding within minutes.
Follow The Steps to Stop Nose Bleeding Until You Get Medical Help:
- Remain calm and do not panic.
- Sit straight in 90-degree angle.
- Bend your head, slightly tilting it forward
- Tilting it back will make you to swallow the blood.
- Pinch your nostrils together using your thumb and index finger.
- Repeat 10 minutes.
- Spit it out immediately.
- Try preventing yourself from sneezing.
- Ice packs will only ease the pain but, won’t help any further so do not expect much from them.
- Dry air from the warmers can worsen the situation. So, try to avoid it as much as possible.
- If you use humidifier for your room to stay humid during winters, this will keep the nose from drying out and triggering more bleeding.
Over The Counter Medical Treatments:
- If the case isn’t much severe and the bleeding has stopped within 24 hours, then there is no such need to worry as you are perfectly fine now. A clot will develop at the site and will automatically stop the bleeding.
- But if the bleeding source is the blood vessel that is easily visible and bleeding won’t stop on its own. Even this is not something you need to worry about, just seek medical help.
- Your doctor will seal the vessel by Cauterization. This is where Silver Nitrate is used to seal the blood vessel.
- Cauterization is the most effective remedy when the bleeding is from the front part of the nose.
- In complicated cases, nasal packing is required to stop the bleeding. In this, a pressure is built up from behind the nostril to halt the bleeding.
- Different types of packing are available with the doctors ranging from Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) gauze to a synthetic sponge that expands when moistened, balloon packs etc.
- The decision of what remedy to use is generally made by the doctor itself.
- Most of the people who receive an Anterior nasal packing, go home with the nasal packing in its place because the packing tend to block the drainage pathways of sinus and the antibiotics start their work to prevent infection.
- The packing is usually left in its place to work up for 24-72 hours.
- In the case of Posterior packing, frequent sedatives and painkillers are required as they are irritable. Complications like infection and blockage are also associated with these packs.
- Posterior packing are left in its place to work for 48-72 hours. If it still doesn’t stop the bleeding, then surgery or radiology procedures are required to treat the patient.