Stretch Mark Removal

Stretch Mark Removal

In this article, we have listed best remedies for stretch mark removal. Stretch marks are easy to see lines, present on the skin upper layer, with an improper shade. Stretch marks are mostly present in the belly region, but can also happen over the upper arms, thighs, buttocks and knees. Sometimes stretch marks can occur on the large part of the body. Though pregnancy is the key reason behind the stretch marks, other might be due to gain or loss in body weight, heredity factors, rapid growth, stress and hormonal changes. The skin comprises of three important layers: Epidermis, Dermis, and Subcutaneous. Stretch marks triggered in the middle layer of the skin or dermis. The reason of triggering is when the tissue is stretched past the power of its elasticity due to quick expansion or reduction of the skin.

Once the skin is stretched, the collagen is ruptured and its regular production cycle is disturbed and spoiled. This finally results in fine scars below the top layer of the skin. In the beginning, the marks look red or pink, but after some time a fine, silvery line is visible on the skin layer and a stretch mark is born. These marks appear on the skin layer when someone becomes tall quickly, or gain weight quickly. These marks can make you feel embarrassed and self-conscious about your look. Luckily, in this article, there are numerous natural remedies for stretch mark removal.

Stretch Mark RemovalStretch Mark Removal

Myths Associated with Stretch Marks:

  • Drinking sufficient water and eating a healthy diet have no effect on stretch marks.
  • Stretch marks are triggered only by enlarging of skin.
  • It happens only in women.
  • It does not change color.
  • Stretch marks only arise on the stomach.
  • Lean people cannot have stretch marks.
  • Stretch marks can be removed completely.
  • Tanning eliminates stretch marks.
  • Losing fat will help you get rid of stretch marks.
  • Health protection covers cures for stretch marks.

Best Remedies for Stretch Mark Removal

1.) Argon Oil for Stretch Mark Removal

Argon oil is extremely helpful for the skin and is measured as one of the best stretch mark removal natural remedies. It helps in blocking the breaking of collagen and elastin in the layers of skin. You can apply this argon oil to get rid of stretch marks faster. Argon oil comprises of phytosterols that can help diminish the scars.

Steps to Follow:

  • Take two spoons of argon oil in your both palms and gently rub it over your stretch marks.
  • You can rub the argon oil at least twice a day for visible results.

2.) Almond Oil to Treat Stretch Marks

Almond oil is a great source of Vitamin E. It benefits in the repair and fixing of elastin and collagen in the layers of the skin. It is a great stretch mark removal ointment.

Steps to Follow:

  • Take two spoons of almond oil and slowly rub it on the stretch marks till the almond oil gets totally soaked by the skin.
  • Rub the almond oil on the stretch marks every day at least two times to remove it.

3.) Grape Juice to Cure Stretch Marks

Grape is a popular skin toner and lightener to remove stretch marks. Coconut oil boosts the flexibility of the skin.

Things You Need:

  • Two spoons of grape juice.
  • Two spoons of coconut oil.

Steps to Follow:

  • Take two spoons of grape juice and add two spoons of coconut oil to it.
  • Stir them well and rub it on your stretch marks.
  • Follow this thrice in a day for a few months to diminish the stretch marks.

4.) Lemon Juice for Stretch Mark Removal

Lemon juice is a great lightening stuff that can lessen the redness and stretch marks. The acids and Vitamin C present in the lemon juice will remove the dead skin cells, letting the moisture go deep inside the skin.

Process 1: Lemon Juice

Try the following steps:

Things You Need:

  • One lemon.
  • Knife

Steps to Follow:

  • Take a piece of lemon, slice it into halves with a knife and apply the slice of lemon on your stretch marks slowly.
  • Wait for ten minutes and then clean it with lukewarm water.
  • Use the lemon juice daily to lower the stretch marks.

Process 2: Honey with Lemon Juice

Try the following steps:

Things You Need:

  • One lemon
  • One spoon of honey.

Steps to Follow:

  • Lemon juice mixed honey is great for stretch mark removal.
  • Squeeze a spoon of juice from a lemon and add to one spoon of honey.
  • Apply this mixture on your affected skin for a few minutes and then wash it.
  • Follow this method daily to get rid of stretch marks.

5.) Aloe Vera to Cure Stretch Marks

Aloe Vera is a great remedy for numerous ailments like stomach infections, skin infections, hair fall and insect repellents. It is a great stretch mark removal that can’t be ignored from this list of remedies.

Process 1: Olive Oil with Aloe Vera Gel

Try the following steps:

Things You Need:

  • A half cup of Aloe Vera gel.
  • Two spoons of olive oil.
  • Vitamin A capsules.
  • Vitamin E capsules.

Steps to Follow:

  • Mix two spoons of olive oil with a half cup of Aloe Vera gel.
  • Take a few vitamin E capsules and vitamin A capsules.
  • Pierce them and empty them into the paste of olive oil and Aloe Vera.
  • Stir all the ingredients together and store it in a bowl.
  • You can rub this paste on your skin daily to eliminate ugly stretch marks.

Process 2: Aloe Vera with Coffee

Don’t remove the stuck coffee from your brewing machine. Use it as a treatment for your stretch marks. When you rub coffee to your body marks, the caffeine boosts the blood flow in the body. It also enhances the cell regeneration.

Things You Need:

  • Two spoons of grounded coffee.
  • One spoon of Aloe Vera gel.

Steps to Follow:

  • Take two spoons of ground coffee.
  • Add one spoon of fresh Aloe Vera gel to it and combine them well to make a thick paste.
  • Smear the paste on your body stretch marks and massage softly.
  • Next, let the paste stay on your skin for ten minutes and then wash it with water.
  • Follow this method daily to get rid of stretch marks.

6.) Cucumber Juice to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Cucumber also heals superbly the stretch marks and relieves the redness of stretch marks.

Things You Need:

  • One cucumber.
  • Mixer
  • Cotton swabs.

 Steps to Follow:

  • Chop the cucumber into pieces and put them in a mixer to extract its juice.
  • Soak some cotton swabs in the juice and rub them on stretch marks.
  • Wait till the juice is totally gone deep into your skin layers.
  • Follow this tip regularly to get rid of stretch marks fast.

7.) Coconut Oil to Treat Stretch Marks

Coconut oil is outstanding stretch mark removal stuff. It is loaded with antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. They can unwind and shrink the itchy red stretch marks of the skin.

Things You Need:

  • Three spoons of coconut oil.
  • Two spoons of lavender oil.
  • Three to four drops of tea tree oil.

Steps to Follow:

  • Take three spoons of coconut oil in a small mixing bowl.
  • Mix two spoons of lavender oil and three to four drops of tea tree oil to it.
  • Stir them well and massage with it daily on your body stretch mark places for visible results.
  • You can also mix some drops of chamomile oil to treat the stretch marks overnight.

8.) Egg to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Egg white cure is one the best natural remedies for stretch marks. The egg is a great source of Vitamin A, collagen, and proteins. It comprises of almost forty varieties of proteins. It repairs the scars and marks brilliantly.

Process 1: Application of Egg White

Try the following steps:

Things You Need:

  • A half cup of egg white.
  • One cotton pad.

Steps to Follow:

  • Simply whisk one egg white with a spoon until it becomes soft.
  • Rub it over your stretch marks with a cotton pad.
  • Let it rest on your skin for half an hour and then clean it with water.
  • Dab the affected areas.
  • Do it thrice a week to lower the stretch marks.

Process 2: Olive Oil with Egg White

Try the following steps:

Things You Need:

  • One egg white
  • Two spoons of olive oil.

Steps to Follow:

  • Take a hand blender; to blend one egg white until it becomes white and fluffy.
  • With a spatula, mix it in two spoons of olive oil slowly and stir well.
  • Rub this stuff to your stretch marks and rub softly.
  • Put the paste on your skin for ten minutes and then clean the area carefully.
  • Do it frequently to diminish the stretch marks fast.
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