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Tag: get rid of burns

how to treat blisters

How to Treat Blisters?

Anybody can suffer from a blister. Walking so long, wearing a tight shoe,exercise etc. can be the reasons of suffering from a blister. Blisters are very common in moist feet than in clean and dry...
how to heal a burn

How to Heal a Burn?

A very common household injury caused when you touched something hot. Burn not only caused by touching the hot things, it may also cause due to these factors like cold, chemical, heat, friction, radiation...
how to treat bed bug bites new

How to Treat Bed Bug Bites?

In this article, you will find some effective home remedies to treat bed bug bites. Bedbugs are small oval shaped creepy insects that feed on humans and the animal’s blood. They are active during...
what to put on a burn

What to Put on a Burn?

What to put on Burn? burn, absolutely extreme painful. Some burns are major and minor. Major burns need a doctor immediately, but minor burns can cure at home. Minor burns generally happened on the...
How to get rid of bruises

How to Get Rid of Bruises?

Bruises are nothing but the consequences on your body by getting hit by the object or heavy items so hard on a particular area. At the point when this happens, the delicate tissue under...

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