How to Treat an Ingrown Toenail?

How to treat an ingrown toenail

Treat an ingrown toenail, Ingrown nail is extremely very painful and ugly. Ouch! You sound like this when your ingrown touch or hit by any object. The nail curl down from the side corner of the skin and get into the skin. The ingrown nail cause reddishness, pus, pain and swelling.

It condition of inflamed Paronychium then Granuloma which caused an ingrown toenail. It is most common in the foot but can happen in both hand and Toenails. When you usually hit the big toenail, it can be very unpleasant and extremely painful. In this article, we are sharing some amazing methods to treat an ingrown toenail.

Causes of Ingrown Toenail:

  • Mostly cause due to the improper cutting of the toenail.
  • Breakage and Curved nail.
  • Tight footwear that creates pressure on the big toe.
  • When your socks and stocking is too tight.
  • Toenail injury when your toenail hit the hard object.
  • Kicking object with your toe.
  • Dirty and filthy toenail.
  • Genetic factor

Symptoms of Ingrown Toenail:

  • The skin around the skin become so soft, swollen, tender and hard.
  • Pain triggers when you put on the pressure.
  • Fluid build up in the ingrown toenail.
  • Swollen and reddish skin.
  • Pus gets collected in the ingrown nail.
  • Skin gets overgrowth around the ingrown toenail.

Best Methods to Treat an Ingrown Toenail

1.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Heal an Ingrown Toenail

It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which give relief to swollen and inflamed an ingrown toenail. Apple cider vinegar also prevents the infection as it contains an acidic substance which kills the germs and helps to treat an ingrown toenail. For this remedy to treat an ingrown toenail, take a foot tub filled with an equal amount of water and unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Dips your toenail in the solution to get relief from an ingrown toenail. After that, dry the toenail and apply some moisture on it. You can also apply the unfiltered apple cider vinegar directly with the help of cotton swab on the toenail. Wrap it with a bandage for a few hours, then remove it to treat an ingrown toenail.

2.) Turmeric to Get Rid of an Ingrown Toenail

Turmeric is very helpful in curing the infection of an ingrown toenail. The compound present in the turmeric helps you treat an ingrown toenail. It is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic in nature to cure ingrown toenails. Turmeric also has the ability to relieve the pain caused by the ingrown toenail. For this remedy to treat an ingrown toenail, take a little amount of turmeric and a half teaspoon of turmeric powder to make the paste. Apply the paste over the affected area by mixing it properly. Do this remedy 2-3 times in a day until the ingrown toenail gets cured.

You can use antibiotic creams that contain curcumin, apply the cream over the soft area to get rid of the ingrown toenail infection. You can drink turmeric milk to cure the infection on any part of the body. Take a glass of warm milk and add 1 teaspoon of turmeric in the milk and drink it daily for a speedy recovery.

3.) Tea Tree Oil for Ingrown Toenail

As you know, tea tree oil is the best cure for any type of fungal infection. An ingrown toenail is also a type of fungus infection, which can easily cure by the tea tree oil. The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of tea tree oil help you treat an ingrown toenail. It cures the infection and gives relief from the pain. For this remedy to treat an ingrown toenail, You need to take 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and mix it with the 1 teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil. Apply the mixed oil on the ingrown affected area to treat the infection. Repeat this remedy daily to treat an ingrown toenail. Be aware, while applying the tea tree oil on the affected area, do not use directly. Mix the oil with other essential oil to treat an ingrown toenail.

4.) Hydrogen Peroxide to Treat an Ingrown Toenail

It is one the remedy to treat an ingrown toenail as the hydrogen peroxide fight against the infection and give relief from the pain. It also helps in curing the inflammation caused by the ingrown toenail. Hydrogen oxide is great when you use to disinfect the injury. For this remedy to treat an ingrown toenail, you need to fill a small tub with hot water and add a half cup of the hydrogen oxide in the warm water tub. Dip the affected ingrown and swollen toenail in the solution for about 20 minutes. Repeat this remedy daily to treat an ingrown toenail.

5.) Trim Correctly to Prevent an Ingrown Toenail

To treat an ingrown toenail, it’s better to take care of nail by trimming it properly in the straight direction and avoid giving shape to an ingrown toenail. Raised the nail from the front. Trim the nail from the edges which curl the nail and cause an ingrown toenail. Cut all the sharp edges of the nail which get hurt into the skin. Always use the clipper to treat an ingrown toenail. Keep your nail in the moderate length if your nail is big it gets hurt when hit with a heavy object and if the nail is short it will dig into the skin and caused an ingrown toenail.

6.) Comfort Shoes to Heal an Ingrown Toenail

Wear comfortable footwear to avoid the problem of an ingrown toenail. As the tight foot puts pressure on the toenail and caused ingrown toenails. To treat an ingrown toenail wear your size of foot weather you like or not. Do not wear a smaller size of attractive footwear for show off as it can hurt the soft tissue of the ingrown toenail. Try to avoid high heel.

Simple Way to Treat an Ingrown Toenail:

  • You can treat your toenail by soaking your foot in hot water to treat ingrown toenails. Add hot water and Epsom in your foot tub. Dip your ingrown nail in the solution to cure ingrown nail. It prevents the infection and also softens the skin which easily helps in treating the ingrown nail.
  • Collect the tools and prepare yourself to treat an ingrown toenail. Tools like a pair of tweezers and cotton, which help in get rid of an ingrown toenail. It removes the cuticle which caused an ingrown toenail.
  • To treat an ingrown toenail, you need to trim the nail and without giving any shape. Just trim it in the straight direction without any pointed part outside which cause an ingrown toenail. You need to give extra care to treat an ingrown nail. Trim the curl part of the toenail which gets inserted into the skin and caused an ingrown toenail.
  • To get rid of an ingrown toenail, keep the shape of toenail little raised up from the front. Insert a little cotton in the ingrown toenail so that the skin keeps away the ingrown toenail from coming back. You can remove the pieces of cotton with the help of tweezers from the corner of the skin where the ingrown toenail is growing. Use a pointed tool to insert the cotton in the raised nail in the corner of the skin. Do not push hard to the corner of the toenail as it can cause bleeding and infection. Do not take a big size of a cotton ball and also a little size of a cotton ball, just take a normal size of cotton, which gets easily insert into the nail and make you feel comfortable while wearing your footwear. Change the cotton daily to get rid of the infection that causes an ingrown toenail.
  • Apply the ointment like Neosporin, which is very effective in treating the ingrown toenail. First, apply the ointment to the affected area and wrap it with a clean bandage to soften the area and to prevent the infection.
  • Let the toenail breathe to treat an ingrown toenail. Don’t wear too tight footwear and socks that prevent breathing of the toenail which in result become swollen and turns into ingrown toenail. Keep avoiding covered footwear which doesn’t pass the air. Try to avoid wearing shoes at home to get rid of an ingrown toenail.